Dear John

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Dear john, its been hard without you. Most of us never existed in your time, but we are lucky your beautiful music is still around. Everyone remembers you differently. Im lucky i haven't been influenced by society, i still think you are a great man with a powerful peace message. Your music has and will continue to last for decades. Each day i think of you, when i hear your voice in my playlist, or when i need a refresher on why im living and i listen to your old interviews. I love you.

Dear john, i hope you and Geo get along in the afterlife, wherever you both ended up. It seems like only yesterday i was writing to george and now here i am again. You were so beautiful. You were such a calm celebrity for the most part. You were so witty and intelligent and hilarious. You were a musical genius. You were a beautiful poet. A wonderful friend, husband, and father. I love you John Winston Lennon. I miss you.

serious post today. nothing really i can say now except i do need ~r e q u e s t s~ but also i promise whatever i come up with next won't be so depressing. also my writing is straight up crap in this one, but its not about me is it? no questions for this chapter, just paying respect to my first celebrity crush. -B

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