The Wedding: Ceremony

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John: You straightened your white dress and grabbed the bouquet from your best friend's hand. You linked elbows with your father, and opened the door. You made eye contact with john, and his eyes started to tear up, just like yours. You walked slowly down the carpeted isle, holding eye contact with John. Paul put his hand on john's shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. John didn't want to cry, so he tried to make silly faces to make you both laugh. You finally stood in front of john, hand in hand. You said your vows you had written months before, and john read his he wrote last night. When the minister pronounced you man and wife, john grabbed your face with his hands, and gave you the most passionate yet purest kiss he as ever given you. He picks you up bridal style, and carries you out of the church.

Paul: You barely slept a wink last night. Today I marry Paul Maccartney you thought to your self. The entire morning getting ready, you couldn't stop saying "Y/N Maccarteny" in a sing-song voice. You were rushing to get ready, even though the ceremony didn't start for another hour. And that was the longest hour of your life. When it was finally time, you watched as your bridesmaids walked along the path you would soon. You stepped out of the hallway and into the sanctuary. There you saw paul crying, which was no surprise, and looking at his future wife. You couldn't help but giggle a little, which made him smile too. You were practically running down the isle to be in front of paul. He said the most beautiful vows, and you could tell he meant every word. He slipped the wedding band onto your fingers and you did the same. Before the minister could even say "You may now kiss the bride", paul already had his lips on yours. You ran out of the church hand in hand.

George: You asked on of your bridesmaids to deliver a package consisting of all his favorite snacks to him. You hurriedly got dressed, already running a few minutes late. How perfect, you thought, I'm marrying the love of my life in a field of flowers today. You stepped out of  the cabin where you were dressing for just a moment to take in the beauty of the day. Your soon-to-be husband must have had the same idea because you saw him outside too. You walked over to him in full makeup and dress and stood in front of him "Pretend you haven't seen me yet." you said. He smiled and looked into your eyes and nodded. "Y/N, I love you." he said with the most sincerity. You kissed his cheek and went back inside. Later, the time had come to walk down the isle. You stepped out into the meadow, bathing in the sun. You walked down the makeshift isle and stood by your love. The ceremony went quickly, and soon you were Mrs. George Harrison.

Ringo: Although you were at the beach, you weren't focused on swimming. Today was the day your were marring Ritchie. You had a smile on your face the whole day. When the time came, you stepped out of your beach house and onto the beach. The band began to play and everyone stood up. You looked in the eyes of your darling ringo and he was trying not to cry. George, paul, and john stood behind him laughing. You made your way to ringo and the minister. Ringo was so focused on you, he messed up his vows. Everyone was laughing and his face turned red but you squeezed his hand to let him know its ok. You were pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Richard Starkey, and ringo gave you a big sweet kiss, making the rest of the guys say aw.

I don't know if ringo's made sense but yea. this chapter is more like an imagine but its not idk. Speaking of imagines: i haven't started writing them like the title says so i apologize. I have an idea for one for john but i don't just wanna do one person. Let me know if you have a plot/beatle for me to do. Thanks babes -B

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