Edge of Great

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The guys and I were in the studio getting ready for our performance that night.

"Look, we add the echoes during the chorus, then when Julie comes in with the melody, It's gonna sound perfect," Luke said. Reggie, Alex, and I all shared a look, knowing that Luke was in love with Julie. Then we heard a noise come from outside and looked up to see Willie.

"Again? What's that all about?" Reggie asked.

"I don't know," Alex said and then poofed out to get answers.

When he walked back into the room he looked really upset.

"Hey, Alex, are you alright? What happened?" I asked.

"Willie...just.... he said we shouldn't have met. Let's get back to working on the song," he said moving on from the subject. We all knew better than to push Alex so we didn't talk anymore about it.

It was a little bit later and we were practicing using our full set up and Alex was drumming a little bit.... well a lot more intensely than he should have been. We all stopped playing.

"Alex, you all right?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, why?" he responded.

"Alex...I know the Willie thing is really upsetting you, but if he doesn't want you in his life, then he doesn't deserve you in it. I'm sure one day you'll find the perfect ghost for you," I said.

"Thanks Autumn."

"And, Alex, you're a great drummer and a great guy, okay. I wouldn't let all that stuff get in between you and what you love," Luke added.

"I don't know, man. Sometimes a little fire can make things better on stage," Reggie said.

"Like you and Julie," I added.

"Uh, wha....What is that supposed to mean?" Luke asked.

"Come on. Everyone can see the way you look at her when you sing," I explained.

"You guys ooze chemistry," Reggie said.

"You should never say ooze again, but yeah, I agree," Alex said.

"Okay, no. I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with," Luke argued, "Seriously watch. Uh.."

Luke started singing and moving closer to Reggie and then he grabbed Reggie by the neck and finished the verse.

"Wow, I see chemistry," Alex said.

"That was pretty hot," Reggie said and then Luke kissed his fingers and but them to Reggie's lips.

" Hey Patterson, please don't steal my boyfriend," I begged.

"No promises," Luke replied winking at me.

Reggie then cleared his throat, "Girls. Am I right?"



"Once." the guys all stared at me in surprise, "It's a long story, let's get back to work."

Later that night it was time for our performance and Julie started us off amazingly as usual.

"Running from the past. Tripping on the now. What is lost can be found it's obvious. And like a rubber ball we come bouncing back. We all got a second act inside of us," Julie sand and then we popped in.

Julie was dancing around with Reggie, Alex, and I, but she was clearly ignoring Luke for some reason. Julie climbed up on the piano and started singing and then we all stopped playing except for Luke who walked right up to Julie so she couldn't ignore him. We started playing again until all of us but Luke poofed out and Luke finished the song with Julie.

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