She's so Talented

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 When we walked into Julie's house she was eating dinner with her family. She obviously wasn't expecting us to walk in because when she saw us she yelled, but she did manage to come up with an excuse for her family. Thank God the guys weren't stupid and noticed that we needed to leave, they've never been the smartest about this kind of thing before. We didn't have anywhere else to go so we just went back to the studio.

"So, what are we suppose to do now?" I asked, "Julie doesn't want us here and we don't have anywhere else to go."

"I'm sure if we stick around long enough Julie will come to like us, she has to," Reggie said.

"And if that plan fails?" I questioned

"You're smart you'll figure out something for us," Reggie responded.

I rolled my eyes and then started looking around the studio to see if I could find anything interesting. I went up to the loft part of it and found our old instruments. I was surprised Julie's mom kept them in here after all these years.

"Hey guys you'll never guess what I found," I said.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"Our old instruments are up here."

The guys looked at each other and then made their way up to the loft. Luke picked up his guitar and played a note.

"They still work too," Luke said, "I got the perfect Idea! We'll play a song and then Julie will hear it and have no choice but to let us stay because we're that awesome."

We all agreed that it was worth a try, even though I was pretty sure it would just make Julie angrier, but who knows. We got everything ready to go and then started playing. It wasn't very long after that that Julie came into the studio to tell us to cut it out.

"The whole neighborhood could hear you. I thought I told you to leave," Julie said once we finally stopped playing.

"Wait. People can hear us play?" Luke asked shocked.

If people could hear us play that meant that maybe someone how we could get a second chance at being famous.

"This is amazing! Who knows maybe we'll get to play a huge show together after all!" I said excitedly while fist bumping the guys.

Then Julie's dad walked in and started messing around with our instruments, and called them junk which was rude, and none of us were happy about, but he seemed like a really good guy and an amazing dad. He sounded super supportive of Julie, and I can't help thinking about my own parents and how they would never have changed to support Alex. They couldn't care less about us being out late practicing music, but Alex liking guys was the end of the world for them. I don't know if they still live in the same house or not but I don't want to see them and I doubt Alex does either. Then I heard the studio door slam and noticed that Julie had left and Luke poofed out, presumably to go talk to Julie.

"Should we leave too or...?" I asked looking to Alex and Reggie.

"Nah, give it a second and let Luke work his magic," Reggie said.

"Magic?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, Luke is probably convincing her to let us stay, he has that charm about him that just convinces people to listen to him," Alex explained.

"How have I never noticed that before, I'm pretty sure if that was a real thing I would have noticed it," I said.

Alex and Reggie looked at each other and than looked back at me but didn't say anything.

"What was that?" I questioned.

"What was what?" Reggie said avoiding the question.

"You two, that look," I said.

"Come on Autumn, you think none of us noticed your crush on Luke before?" Alex asked.

"I-I don't, have a crush on Luke! That's crazy," I said while my cheeks turned red.

"About as crazy as us being ghosts," Alex said.

"We should go out there and see what's going on," I said changing the subject.

We all headed out to the front of the studio and caught part of Luke and Julie's conversation.

"She passed away," I heard Julie say.

"I am so sorry," Luke said with a look of regret on his face.

"Yeah, we... we didn't know," Alex said making our presence known to the two.

"It's all right. You guys haven't seen her anywhere, have you? From wherever you're from," Julie asked.

"No. No, I mean, you're kind of the first person we've seen," Alex said.

"Yeah, but she's not dead, so it doesn't answer her question," Reggie said. Then I slapped him on the arm, I know he doesn't always realize what he says, but it was a sensitive topic.

After a bit more talking Julie changed her mind and told us we could stay. We also found out that she doesn't play an instrument which is kind of sad because it would have been cool to play with her but it's okay. Julie left to go inside for the night and then Luke poofed us on top of the Orpheum.

"Ok, so, Why'd you bring us here? Just another painful reminder of where we never got to play?" Alex asked.

"A painful reminder that I was never going to be playing here, with you guys, at all," I said and then noticed Alex was looking at me concerned.

"I mean guys, the game isn't over yet," Luke said as we poofed down to the side walk, "I'm telling you, we've been given a second chance. Let's find some music. Let's see how many clubs we can hit before sunrise."

I heard Alex yelling at something or someone, but he didn't say anything about it and we continued on our way. The next day when we went back to the studio and we heard Julie playing the piano and singing. She's so talented, I was absolutely amazed at her, I wonder why she lied about not being able to play. Once she finished Alex went to give her a hug but Luke stopped him and we poofed out.

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