Love Song?

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Reggie, Alex, Luke, and I were sitting in Julie's house waiting to see what happened after she got caught by her dad. Carlos was hunting for ghosts and his aunt was trying to convince him that they weren't real.

"Typical adult. Do you remember when we were kids, and they never believed what we said?" Reggie asked.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's just a you thing. I was always pretty trustworthy," Alex said.

"Me too," I added, "Except for that one time no one believed that I saw a unicorn in the backyard."

"Because you didn't," Alex said.

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Shouldn't we be more worried about Julie?" Luke asked, "Her dad just busted her, okay? He's probably making her quit the band."

"Well, there's not much we can do about that now, but...we can still help Carlos. Adults not believing children ends tonight. Showtime," Reggie said turning off the lamp.

"Ghosts aren't real, huh? How do you explain that?" Carlos asked his aunt.

"Light bulbs burn out all the time, Carlos," Victoria responded.

"Ooh! Wrong answer, tia. Explain...this," Reggie said opening and closing the blinds.

Alex and Luke were annoyed by his behavior, but I laughed. Carlos and his aunt were both shaken up by this.

"Maybe it's my mom," Carlos said, "she knows I haven't been replacing the toilet paper!"

"Your mama would never scare us. This is the work of a demon!" Victoria said.

This made Reggie stop, "Hey, words hurt."

"Wait! I got to get it on video," Carlos said.

"Yeah, you do, Reggie, pull a classic and put that sheet over your head," I directed.

"Don't encourage him!" Alex complained.

"You got it," Reggie said and then started moving around with the sheet on his head.

This scared Victoria enough to make her drag Carlos out of the room. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Alex asked.

Reggie looked over at me to see how I was still trying to calm down, "Yeah, I do. I've defended every kid who's never been believed. Some might say I'm a superhero....We should probably hide before Julie finds out, huh?" he said grabbing my arm and running with me out of the room. Alex and Luke were quick to follow. We waited in the studio for a little bit and then Julie walked in.

"Julie! What happened? Can you stay in the band?" Luke asked.

"Yeah I can! I just have to keep up with school, and tell my dad about stuff," Julie explained, "...You know, my aunt ran out of the house saying something about it being haunted. You guys wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"

Alex, Luke, and I looked to Reggie.

"Nope," Reggie said smiling at Julie.

"Okay then...I'm going to go to bed now, goodnight guys," she said leaving the room.

"This is awesome, Julie's still in the band and we're good to go, we should do something fun," Luke said.

I saw Alex look between Reggie and I, "You know Luke, you and I should go to the beach," Alex said grabbing Luke's hand and then they disappeared.

"Why'd they leave without us?" Reggie asked pouting.

Okay Autumn, it's now or never, I told myself.

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