Flying Solo

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Reggie, Luke, and I were chilling in the studio playing around with our guitars, and we were making sure to keep the volume down so no one heard us.

"What do you guys think of this riff?" Luke asked and then played it.

"Sweet. I'm feeling that. And then I come in with a little, uh..." Reggie said and then started playing something.

"And I can add this," I say playing my guitar.

"Then Julie comes in with her killer lyrics," Luke said.

"And Sunset Curve is reborn," Reggie finished.

Julie walked into the studio, "Guys, you aren't suppose to be out here playing alone," she said.

"But we're not alone, 'cause we always have each other," Reggie said while Luke pulled us both into a hug from behind.

Julie signed and started unplugging the amps.

"But...but we had the volume level on one," Luke said trying to make it better.

"But we rocked it on volume ten. You want us to play it again? Reggie asked.

Julie unplugged the other amp and stared at us.

"Sorry Reggie, I don't think she's in the mood to hear it," I said.

"We've been waiting for you to get home," Luke said, "Okay, so we have some pretty major news to tell you. We had a band meeting earlier, and..." Luke signaled for Reggie and I to give him a beat.

"We wanna invite you to join Sunset Curve. And no, you're not dreaming," he finished excitedly.

"Oh," was all that Julie said.

"Oh, uh... oh, she said oh. Um... That's what you say when you get socks on your birthday not when your invited to join the most epic band ever," Luke said.

"Sorry. I'm honored, but I can't think about anything but Flynn right now," she said, "She's still mad at me for lying. She hasn't even texted me back." I understood what she meant, I mean not about the texting because I don't even fully know what that is but the other stuff. Me and Alex didn't fight often, but the few times we did was awful.

"Yeah, you're in a tough spot," Luke said, "So you wanna join the band?" I slapped his arm and gave him the "how stupid can you be" look.

"Read the room, dude," Julie said before starting to leave.

"Oh come on! We need you, and you need us because you need music. Reggie and I found this poem that you wrote, and the three of us added this really cool melody to it, it sounds awesome," Luke said pulling out a peace of paper.

"Where'd you find that?" Julie asked.

"Uh... definitely not your dream box," Luke said pulling Reggie in front of him.

"That's were you guys got that? You told me you found it in here!" I stated loudly.

"You went through my stuff!?" Julie yelled.

"I know, but..." Luke started.

"Yeah, we can do that now," Reggie said, answering Julie's question.

"No! no you can't!" Julie and I said at the same time.

"You can't just go through someone's stuff!" I scolded them.

"Yeah, there's a thing called boundaries! Now give it back!" Julie said to Luke.

"No! Hey, you need to realize how insanely talented you are. Okay Listen to this," Luke said and then started reading off the lyrics.

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