This Band is Back

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 "Dude, why'd you stop me? Julie needs a hug," Alex said.

"Bro, a ghost hug isn't the feel-good moment you think it is. All right?" Luke said, "Trust me. What Julie needs right now is just a bit of privacy."

"He has a point Alex, She'd just go through you and it would be weird," I said patting Alex on the back.

"You know what? I think you poofed us out because you can't handle when other people cry. I should. I cried in a room for 25 years, and I didn't get a single hug from either of you," Alex said upset.

"All right. Bring it in," Reggie said trying to hug Alex.

"Don't touch Me!" Alex said putting his hand up.

I wrapped Alex in a hug, "Don't worry Alex if I had been in the same place as you I would have hugged you the whole time."

Alex hugged me back and Reggie made a pouty face, "Hey! She can hug you but I can't?" Reggie asked.

All Alex said was yes and Luke rolled his eyes at us.

"Focus guys, once we get the courage we need to go in there and ask Julie why she lied about playing the piano," Luke said.

"And tell her she is one of the most talented people ever," I added.

"She's legit...I got ghost bumps," Reggie said. 

Another girl came walking down the stairs crying and was heading into the studio. She looked to be around Julie's age, and probably was a friend of hers.

"Oh my gosh. Was she crying too?" Alex asked.

"Yes!" Luke said, "And the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girls crying."

"You guys are literally teenage boys, girls cry all the time for no reason, I can cry right now if you really want me to," I said.

"No!" The three said unanimously.

"We definitely can't go in there," Luke said.

"Obviously not it's a private conversation!" I exclaimed.

"But we can listen," Reggie said.

"Uh, no, you can't, there's a thing called boundaries," I said but it was too late and they made their way over to the door, "You have to be kidding me."

I stayed with them to listen to the conversation in case it got too personal and I had to drag them away. Apparently Julie got kicked out of music which is really sad because she really deserves to be in there singing and playing her heart out. I could also tell by the conversation that the other girl's name was Flynn. The two were clearly close. I had never been friends with any of the girls at my school because they were so stuck up but I had Alex and the guys and I couldn't image not being with them...I guess it must have been hard on them when I died. The girls left to try to get Julie back in the music program and I was really hoping they'd be able to, music wasn't just Julie's talent, I could tell it was her passion. After Julie and Flynn left me and the guys went back into the studio.

"I wonder why Julie didn't tell us she could shred on the piano?" Reggie asked.

"And sing. That girl can sing," Luke said.

"It probably has something to do with her mom. You know? Must've been hard," Alex said and then looked at me, "It's never easy losing family, especially someone you're really close to."

"Yeah, but now she's got music back in her life,  just like us," Luke said.

"I'm not sure you can really call what we have life," Alex added.

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