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 "You can't be mad at him for being who he is!" I yelled at our parents. Alex had just told them that he was gay and as we both expected they didn't respond well. Alex had already ran back up to his room in tears.

"It isn't how it's suppose to be," our mother said while starting to do the dishes.

"What is it suppose to be? Alex ends up in a relationship were he isn't happy just because you two can't seem to execpt him for who he is!" I scream.

"Autumn that is enough! Go to your room now and consider what you are saying," Our father yelled at me.

"Oh trust me the only thing I need to consider is why I got stuck with you two as parents," I said storming upstairs.

When I got upstairs I was getting ready to go into my room, but then I heard crying coming from the other side of Alex's door. I walked over and knocked on his door.

"Alex, it's me, can I come in?" I asked softly. I didn't get a reply just more crying so I opened the door slowly, "I'm coming in," I said.

"They are just being stubborn, they don't want to execpt you because then that would mean that what they think is wrong," I said trying to comfort him.

He calmed himself down enough to talk to me a little bit, "m..maybe they're r...right," he said, "Maybe what I am is...wrong."

"No, Alex, No, you are who you are and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that okay," I said sitting down beside him.

"It would be easier if I was just normal."

"Normal is no fun, especially when being normal would mean you aren't happy," I said.

"I guess," he said looking at me for the first time since I entered the room.

"I know what would take your mind off of! And lucky for you we have band practice in 20 minutes so let's go!" I said enthusiastically.

"Oh no there is no way I can go to practice like this," He responded.

"You look fantastic, and I know today was rough already, but I think you should tell the guys, I know they will support you and you need some of that right now," I said standing up.

".....okay, fine, but if they don't like me anymore-"

"They will! Now come on," I said dragging him out of the house, careful to avoid any contact with our parents.

We got into my car and I drove over to our studio were the rest of the guys were waiting.

"Hey guys!" I said while walking in, "Before we get started there is something Alex wanted to tell you guys."

"Okay cool," Luke said sitting down on the couch infront of Alex. The rest of the guys sat down as well and Alex shot me a nervous glance. I replied with a big smile full of support.

This seemed to ease his nerves a little bit, "I have been doing a lot of figuring out about myself lately and in that time....I learned that...well I should say discovered, or maybe there's a better word to use, words are intere-"

"Alex, what are you trying to tell us?" Reggie asked clearly confused.

"I'm gay, I like guys not girls," Alex said quickly.

The room was silent for awhile before someone finally spoke up.

"That's cool man, that you're figuring out who you are, we're here for you if you need us right guys?" Luke responded.

"Yeah, always," Bobby (Yuck) replied.

"Of Course!" Reggie said with a big smile.

"See, I told you they would be okay with it Alex," I said, bumping my shoulder into his.

"Wait, were you worried we'd stop liking you or something?" Luke asked.

"Well....yeah, my parents didn't take the news well and I was scared that you guys wouldn't like me anymore either," Alex said putting his hands in his pockets.

"That sucks man, I'm sorry, your parents shouldn't have acted that way, but you still have all of us," Luke said standing up and patting Alex on the back.

"Let's start rehearsing, and just move on," Alex said walking over to his drumset.

We started to rehearse one of our songs. During one part of it Luke and I have to share the mic and we get really close. Not that I would admit this to anyone but I've always kinda had a crush on Luke. I'm pretty sure Alex knows because he's good at picking up on this stuff, but no one else does and it's probably going to stay that way for awhile if not forever. Bandmates shouldn't date and that's that. We got done with practice at our usual time, but I could tell Alex didn't really want to go home yet. So instead I took him to go get pizza and we hung out at the park for a little bit before finally heading home once we knew our parents would be asleep.

"Thanks for all the help and support Autumn," Alex said to me before I entered my bedroom.

"I'll always be here for you Alex," I said before closing my bedroom door behind me.

The 4th Phantom// Julie and The PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now