Julie Meets the Phantoms

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 Autumn's P.O.V.

 I don't know how long I was in the dark room, but it couldn't have been more than a few hours before I was suddenly falling and then landed on a person, or at least I think it was a person.

"Whoever fell on top of me get off," I heard a very familiar voice say.

"Alex?" I asked standing up and looking in front of me, noticing my brother and two of my best friends.

"Autumn?" He said looking at me confused at first but then he hugged me, that's when we heard a scream.

The scream was coming from a girl who looked like she was around our age, but she must have startled the guys because they started screaming as well. Then the girl ran out of the room.

"Well...that was fun," I said looking around the room which appeared to be our studio. I turned around to see the guys staring at me, "What?"

"Autumn do you know what happened?" Alex asked me.

"Um you mean the weird dark room I was stuck in? No I don't, Where was I?" I asked.

"Autumn... you died a few months ago," Alex said somberly.

"That's impossible, I mean look at me I'm fine, and I'm here with you guys, we all fell at the same time so if I died that would mean that...that you guys died too...you guys died?"

"Yeah, street dogs killed us, right before we were going to play at the Orpheum," Luke said.

"Orpheum? You guys were going to play the Orpheum? You did it! You were going to be famous!" I said getting excited before realizing that they never actually made it to their show.

"Yeah, we kept playing, for you, it was hard at first but we all knew how much it would mean to you if we made it big," Alex replied.

"That's so sweet, you guys were supporting me, even though I was no longer there."

"We're glad it made you happy," Reggie said smiling at me.

"Yeah, and you supported all of us enough when you were alive, it was time we repaid the favor," Alex said.

"So who do you guys think that girl was and how do you think we got back here?" I asked.

"Maybe it was some kind of magic spell!" Reggie said enthusiastically.

"That's an idea, and as for the girl I wonder what she was doing in our studio?" Luke questioned.

I heard footsteps coming and told the guys we should hide somewhere to see what the girl was going to do. She walked into the room holding a cross and was looking around, probably trying to find us. 

After looking around the room and not finding us she said, "I know I saw something. I'm not crazy."

After deciding it would be best to show ourselves, we poofed back into the room to talk to the girl.

"Well, we're all a little crazy," Luke said in response to the girl.

The girl started screaming again and Alex asked her to stop, and surprisingly she did.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my mom's studio!" The girl asked.

Luke tried to explain to her that it was our studio but she kept putting the cross near him and eventually he got distracted by his couch. that's when he noticed the guitar in the corner wasn't his. He gathered us around to try and figure out what was going on. Reggie threw out the idea that she was a witch, but Alex shot it down. I told them that maybe she was a time traveler, but the only on who agreed with me was Reggie of course.

"Okay, Let someone, with a softer touch handle this," Alex walking toward the girl to talk to her.

Unfortunately, Alex's touch wasn't as soft as he thought it was and she ended up putting the cross through him.

"Oh my gosh! How did you do that?" She asked confused.

"Clearly, you're not understanding...She doesn't get it," Alex said turning to us to say the second part of the sentence and then turning back to the girl, "Okay, look. We're ghosts, all right? We're just four ghosts and we're really happy to be home."

The guys continued to talk about the band and how last night was going to be a really big night for them, but I stayed silent knowing that I wasn't going to be there with them. It hadn't really hit me until then, they were going to go places and I know I should be happy they had the opportunity, yet I still felt sad knowing they were going to be doing it without me.

"I have been crying for 25 years? How is that possible?" I heard Alex saying as I zoned back into the conversation. I managed to put together that the guys actually died 25 years ago, which meant it had probably been pretty close to 26 years since I had died.

"Well, you're a very emotional person," Reggie told him.

"I am not!" Alex responded.

"Reggie does kind of have a point Alex," I said earning a glare from Alex and a high five from Reggie.

That's when a younger boy walked into the room and started talking to the girl, but said nothing about us. That's when we all realized the he couldn't see us, only the girl could. The girl then started to leave but then turned around and told us we would have to leave the studio.

"But wait. we, we didn't get your name," Luke said to the girl.

"It's Julie," she told us.

"Cool I-I'm Luke," Luke started to say while walking toward Julie but she held up the cross again so he backed up, "by... by the way, and this is--"

"Reggie. I'm Reggie."

"Alex's How's it going?"

"And I'm Autumn, Alex's sister."

"Okay?" Julie said before walking away

"Julie seems nice," Reggie said smiling at us.

"Did you miss the part where she kicked us our, or..." Alex asked him.

Reggie just made a quizzical face at him and then we all split up around the studio. There was something I had been meaning to do since we had ended up back here and that was hug Alex. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly and he hugged me back. You would never think that one hug could have such an impact on you but it did. The hug felt like home something that I had apparently been missing for over 25 years now. Next I hugged Reggie and lastly I hugged Luke. It was kind of funny, even in the after life I still had a thing for him. I may be dead but being with my best friends it feels like nothing has really changed we're still us and that's all that really matters.

"Hey guys, let's go see Julie's house," Luke said to us.

We all agreed and started on our way to enter Julie's house.

A/n: Julie has met the phantoms, I do want to say I plan for this story to focus more on Alex and Autumn's relationship and not necessarily a romance, but there will be a side story for that, and it may end up being different than you think *wink* *wink*, okay anyway I'll upload the next part as soon as I can, until then don't eat street dogs from the back of a car :).

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