We're Playing the Orpheum

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The guys and I stood outside of the Orpheum.

"Look, don't worry, guys. Willie said he'd get us on that marquee," Alex said.

"This is going to work, right?" Reggie questioned.

"It has to, it's our only chance," I said and then we got hit by a jolt.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" Willie asked appearing behind us.

"Yeah. Yeah it's nothing we haven't felt before," Alex said as we walked toward Willie, "How'd it go?"

"Well, when that opening band wakes up, they're gonna find their bus 200 miles outside of Vegas with no chance of getting back," Willie responded turning around quickly to show us a jacket he took from them.

Luke and Willie did a little handshake thing, "And that means there's probably a promoter upstairs right about now freakin' out," Luke said.

"Nah. This is Hollywood, man. I'm sure he's being very professional," Willie replied jokingly.

Alex looked toward me and then back toward Willie. I got the hint and pulled Luke and Reggie away so Alex and Willie could talk alone.

"So, this might actually work," I said.

"Yeah, and then we'll cross over and leave Julie behind," Luke said sadly.

"I'm sorry, I know how you feel about her," I responded patting him on the back.

"Maybe we'll get to see her soon after," Reggie said.

"Reggie!" I scolded, "That's not a good thing to say."

"I didn't mean it like that!" He responded defensively.

I sighed loudly and turned around to see Willie skating away. We walked back over to Alex.

"Are you okay, Alex?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," he said. I could tell he was hurting, but he knew we had to go.

"Well, thanks to Willie, Panic! At The Disco needs an opening band," Luke said.

"Then I guess someone up there needs to know we're available," Alex said.

We all looked up and then poofed into the promoter's office. It was time for the next part of the plan.

"No...No, stop. Stop! Stop! stop saying the bus drove itself," the man yelled banging his phone against the table and taking a deep breath, "Okay."

"Yeah, Willie was right. This guy's a total pro," Reggie said sarcastically.

"All right. Let the magic happen. Alex, no dancing," Luke said.

Alex didn't listen and did some ballet moves over to the assistants desk and knocked over her pencil holder. We all smiled at him.

The woman complained and bent over to pick up her stuff. Reggie looked up our YouTube video, whatever that is, and I wrote Julie's number, along with our band name on the note pad beside the computer.

"She's coming," Luke said. Reggie pressed play on the video.

"Tasha! Get me CJ. Tell him I need a band to open in three hours," The promoter said.

"Sure, but you might wanna check this out," Tasha said.

The man walked over to look at the computer, "Somehow this video started playing on my laptop. It's got half a million hits in just two days," Tasha said.

The man stared at the screen for a second, "Who are they?" he asked.

"They're a hologram band. They call themselves Julie and the Phantoms," Tasha explained.

"Tell your friends," Reggie added in.

"Where are they located?" the man asked.

"Our very own City of Angels," Tasha answered.

"Book 'em!" the man exclaimed

"Yes!" the guys and I cheered.

"Sure, I just don't know how to..." Tasha started to say and then noticed the number on the notepad.

"Your handwriting is better than mine," Luke said to me.

"I think everyone's is," I replied and Alex and Reggie nodded their heads in agreement.

When we poofed back to the studio Julie was freaking out.

"Oh my gosh! What took you guys so long? Did Willie do it? Did you talk to the promoter? Did they watch the video? Did they like us? Are we playing tonight? Can someone answer me? Why's no one talking?" Julie asked rapid firing questions.

"Whoa! That's a lot of questions! Luke, you wanna take this one?" Reggie said.

"Take a seat," Luke said. Julie took a seat and we all gathered around in front of her. "It's fine. Everything's fine," Luke assured her.

"Yeah. you should be getting a call right...now!" Alex said pointing to Julie's phone but nothing happened. "Okay, Right...now!" Alex said again it took a second but Julie's phone started to ring.

Julie yelled with excitement.

"Nailed it," Alex said as Luke and Reggie high fived him and I shook my head.

Julie stared at us for a second.

"Answer it!" I shouted.

"Oh! Um..." Julie said then cleared her throat and answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood," Tasha said and then we all started celebrating, "Is this Julie of Julie and the Phantoms?"

We all froze and Julie bent down to pick up her phone and then we all started to celebrate again. Reggie and Luke lined up and then Alex ran and jumped and they held him up in the air. I was jumping in circles around them and Julie was standing on the table.

"We're playing the Orpheum, baby! Yeah!" Julie said excited.

Julie left to go tell her dad about the performance and get prepared. I decided that I should talk to Alex about Willie and some other stuff.

"Hey Alex can I talk to you?" I asked.

He agreed and the other guys left for a second.

"I just want to know how you're really doing with Willie and all of this, I know how hard change is for you," I said.

"I'm doing fine," he said smiling. I glared at him.

"All right, I'm trying really hard not to break down. I just got you back a few weeks ago, what if we won't be together afterwards. Everything finally seemed to be working out and then it fell apart and we're just suppose to leave it all behind," he said, "And Willie, I know he led us to Caleb but he was in a tough spot and I forgave him. Now I'm letting him go again and I..." Alex started to cry which made me start to tear up. I hugged him and we stayed like that for a little while.

"Things are really rough right now, but you're strong you can get through it, I know you can," I reassured him.

He pointed to the tears rolling down his cheeks, "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, but if not, you have a pretty amazing sister to hold you up, and three supportive bandmates," I said.

He laughed a little bit at me, "Everything's going to be okay?"

"Yeah...it has to," I said hugging him again. Man, I really hope everything ends up okay.

A/N: Hope everyone had a save and happy holiday season :).

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