Model Status: Falling in Love

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A/N: I promise  the titled ends up making sense.

"That's wild. They could see us when we were playing, but not when the music ended," Luke said.

"We should double check," Reggie said and then went up the stairs to shake his butt, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, I don't think they can see us," Reggie said once he came down the stairs.

"I wish I couldn't see you," Alex replied.

"Come on Alex, you know your just jealous you didn't get up there and dance," I said.

"No that's not true. I'm a way better dancer than Reggie is," he said.

"Hey! that's rude," Reggie said offended.

Me and the guys left the room and started talking in a hallway.

"That was crazy! I can't believe they saw us, and playing with you guys again in front of a crowd was insane!" I said excitedly while jumping up and down.

Reggie smiled at me and then I remembered everything from earlier, and thinking about the past. I wasn't ready to deal with that yet so I decided to change my focus. I looked over at Alex and he seemed a little lost.

"Hey Alex are you okay?" I asked concerned.

He looked over at me surprised, I had clearly pulled him out of thought, "Yeah, yeah, I'm good, just a lot's changing," he said.

I nodded in agreement and then saw Luke looking around the corner.

"Guys, Julie's going to be over here soon, we should surprise her," he said.

We all agreed and then got into a formation of some kind and waited for her to turn the corner and see us.

"Julie!" We all yelled.

"Aah! You! Stop doing that!" She complained, "I'm serious."

"Whoa! This one's all on you. We were already here," Reggie said putting his hands up in defense.

"Well, actually, we were over there, and then we came over here," I stated matter-of-factly.

"Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, the whole school saw you, it's kinda freaking me out," Julie said.

"Ok, good, 'cause it's kind of freaking me out too," Alex said, "You know, you could see us, and then people could see us whenever we play music. And my clothes are made of air, but for some reason I'm still getting a wedgie."

Julie and Reggie made faces of disgust while I sighed.

"Alex, we've been over this before, some information is best kept yourself," I said.

"Right, sorry, just so many questions" he responded.

"The important thing is that we rocked that place. They were loving you!" Luke said changing the subject.

"Are you kidding? They loved us," Julie said, "That was a great song, Luke. Thanks"

"And did you guys see the cheerleaders looking at me?" Reggie asked.

Reggie had always been a flirt, I mean it was part of the reason I fell for him in the first place. Great now I'm remembering that day even though I already said I wasn't thinking about this anymore.

Guess what time it is? FlAsHbAcK tImE

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