Ni Ju Roku

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I bent forward on the bench to tie the laces to my shoes. We had a game today and I’d invited the group to come and watch me play. I’d been working on my skills and I was feeling pretty confident we’d win. I heard snickering behind me but I rolled my eyes, knowing who it was. I’d served my two weeks suspension but Tanya’s nose with still looking fucked up. I felt myself smirk slightly at that. Coach had begged her not to play today but she refused to miss it. 

“Alright girls,” Mr. Brain boomed. “New season means new opportunities. I know you have the potential to win this game, all you need to do is work together. Now go out there and show everyone what you can do,” he said then we all got up and jogged out. 

“Don’t trip,” Tanya told me then ran ahead. 

I rolled my eyes and heard cheering once I’d run onto the court. Hunter’s Hill won the coin toss so they served first. Jenny immediately hit it back over, one of the girls sending it straight back. I jumped up and spiked the ball, it hitting the ground on the opposite side of the net. A few of the girls high-fived me and I smiled. 

Tanya served the ball then moved forward. I looked into the stands to see only my mum had shown up. I shook it off and locked my eyes with the ball. When i was about to assist the ball for Mia when a pressure hit my ankle. I fell to the side, landing with a loud THUD. A whistle blew and Tanya was sent off the court, much to her objection. 

“You ok?” Mia asked, helping me up. 

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said distantly as I watched Tanya glare at me. 

Hunter’s Hill served the ball again, them getting the points after. We played the next three sets, the scores being 25-27, in favour of us. When we ran back into the locker room we all started yelling excitedly, hugging and high-fifing each other. We all showered and changed, well all except me. I sat on the bench, clicking Kian’s contact. It rang through, his voicemail playing. I called again and got the same result. I tried one more time but got the same result. I tried my dad, still excited e’d one the game. Everyone started to file out when I gave up on him. 

The last person I called was Dan, I was leaning against the lockers by then. My excitement had diminished and sadness started to wash over me. The sound of Dan’s voice had me excited but it soon deflated when I realised it was his voicemail. I tried three more times and felt tears well up when he didn’t pick up. 

“Leave a message after the…” the beep sounded and I took a breath. 

“Hey Dan, it’s Ashlynn. I uh…I had a volleyball game today and we won. I just thought I’d tell you since I haven’t seen you in so long. I miss you? Alright well…call me back. Bye,” I said then hung up. 

My breathing started to shake as I lowered my phone. I hit my head back against the locker and kicked the bench. I sniffled and wiped under my eyes when I heard my name being called. 

“Ashlynn honey, what happened?” my mum asked as she walked in. 

“No one will pick up,” I told her as my bottom lip started to tremble. 

“What?” she asked and crouched down beside me. 

“No one will pick up. I wanted to tell Kian, dad and Dan about the game…but they won’t pick up,” I said, my voice going higher after my pause. 

“Oh sweetheart,” she said then pulled me into her chest. “I saw what Tanya did to you”

“I want to move schools,” I told her. 

“I know baby but it’s only a few more months then you can go. Now c’mon. Grab your stuff and we’ll go get something to eat”

I nod and wiped under my eyes again. I only bothered to take off my knee pads and putting on my hoodie before following mum to the car. Mum decided we’d go to Dine-In Pizza Hut as a celebration for my team winning the game. We were sat at a table for two, some of the other girls on my team sitting close by. 

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