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We’d just gotten back to Blake’s house and we all had about half a shopping bag full of lollies and chocolate. We were all laughing with and at each other as we walked through the front.

“I don’t know about all of you but I’m dying in this so I’m going to take it off,” Ashton announced as he started up the stairs.

“I need a shower,” Ashlynn announced.

‘TMI,” Daisy cringed.

I chuckled at them before following the rest of the group up the stairs. I sat in Blake’s room with my bag’s contense spread out on the floor. I was sorting through the sweets; separating them into a pile of things I want and a pile of things I don’t want. The pile of unwanted stuff mostly consisted of cheap lollies.

“The water is blue,” I heard Ashlynn call out with a laugh.

“Well duh,” I said to myself.

I threw my sweets into the bag then stuffed the plastic bag into my backpack before I heard someone approaching the room.

“Where’s Daisy?” Ashlynn asked me.

“I don’t know. I don’t know where anyone else is,” I replied.

“Alright,” she said, continuing to dry her hair with the black towel.

“You’re hair now has a nice blue tinge to it,” I said, taking a chance.

“Thanks. All the hairspray wouldn’t wash out,” she said with a genuine smile.

“It’s a shame you can’t have it at school. You suit it,” I said, having no idea while I was saying any of this.

“Thanks Hemmings,” she said then walked off.

I heard a scream and looked towards the bathroom, “this stuff hurts to peel off,” Ashton shouted, making me chuckle.

“Hurry up I need a shower!” I told him.

“Bitch no!” Daisy shouted from somewhere.

“You’re wearing hardly any makeup,” I told her.

“I am still a female,” she sassed and I rolled my eyes.

“Fight me,” I challenged.

“I will,” she warned.

“But I don’t hit girls so you lose,” I smirked.

“Pussy,” she said, poking her head into the room.

“I am not,” I objected.

“You both are now shut up,” Ashlynn told us, standing back in the doorframe.

“Seriously man?” Daisy asked.

“What?” Ashlynn asked, then both of our eyes followed Daisy’s. My eyes settled on her pyjamas, well…lack of, “they’re comfortable,” Ashlynn shrugged.

“You’re definitely not a Christian,” I chuckled.

“As it says on my application, I’m “open-minded and is willing to try Christianity”. It got me into the school didn’t it?” she smirked.

“Faking it. You’re so badass,” I said sarcastically.

“Must be because you’re still staring at my body,” I immediately brought my eyes up and felt myself blush.

“Fuck off,” I demanded.

“Ok,” she said then sauntered off.

“Fuck I hate her,” I told Daisy.

“Sure you do,” she replied then walked off in the same direction as Ashlynn.

“You think she’s hot,” Michael told me, sitting on Blake’s bed.

“No I don’t,” I scoffed.

“Yes you do. I know you Luke,” he reminded me.

“So what if I do?” I challenged defensively.

“Nothing. You’re allowed to think she’s hot Luke. You are allowed to not hate her,” he smiled.

“Well I do hate her so…”


“Because she’s conceited, arrogant, bitchy, self-centred…”

“Do you think you hate her because you actually like her but you just think she hates you?”

“I think you need to be tested mate,” I chuckled then got up.

“You like her,” he smirked.

“I do not,” I objected.

“You like her and you’re just mad she doesn’t like you”

“You’re full of shit,” I told him then walked out and down the stairs.

“You totally like her!” he shouted.

“Like who?” I heard from behind me.

I whipped around and jumped when Ashlynn was right in front of me, “Jesus fucking Christ! Where’d you come from?”

“Don’t use the lord’s name in vein. And when two people love each other very much…”

“Shut up,” I said then started walking to the kitchen.

“But seriously. Who do you think is hot?” she asked as she walked right on my tail.

“None of your business,” I told her.

“C’mon, it’s just a name,” she smiled as she sat at the bench.

“You’ll go and tell her”

“No I won’t”

“You will. I know you”

“Oh really?” she challenged.

“I know what you’re like,” I corrected myself.

“Ok, that’s fair but c’mon Hemmings,” she begged.

“Not going to happen”

“You’re mean”

“Very much so,” I smirked.

“We can’t be friends anymore”

“We’re not friends,” I reminded her.

“Shit!” she cursed but I just chuckled.

“It’s not funny Hemmings”

“Why do you always call me Hemmings?”

She just shrugged, “I don’t know”

“Thank though. For not bothering to learn my first name”

“That means we’re acquaintances and I’d rather die then be our acquaintance,” she sneered then got off the stool and left.

“Well you guys ever stop fighting?” Calum asked out of nowhere.

“Probably not,” I shrugged.

“It’s getting annoying”

“I don’t care,” I told him.

“But we all do”

“Not my problem”

“You’re impossible”

“No…the girls at our school are impossible,” I said with a smirk but he rolled his eyes.  

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