Ju Hachi

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I heard a soft knock only bedroom door. When I rolled over I saw mum standing here, fully dressed.

“It’s time to get up,” she told me. 

I nod and when she shut the door I rolled back over. I laid there for another five minutes before getting up. I pulled out the dress my dad got me on his last trip then walked into the bathroom. I had a quick shower changed into my dress. After that I gave myself natural makeup and put my hair in a nice ponytail. I changed my phone case to match my outfit then slipped on my flats. I walked down the stairs and saw him. 

“Kian,” I said and saw him turn around. 

I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, “hey bean poll,” he said happily. 

“Hey,” I replied. 

“You look…girly,” he said as we pulled away. 

“Dad brought it for me and he’ll want to see me in it,” I shrugged. 

“We’re going out for breakfast when your father gets here,” mum announced. 

“So how’s school been?” Kian asked. 

“Alright. I made new friends but they all graduated last Friday,” I answered. 

“That sucks. How’s Daisy?” there was tension mounting in the room at the mention of her name. 

“I’m not talking to her at the moment,” I explained. 

“Awe why not?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I mumbled and he just nod. 

We both sat at the bench and take about School until dad arrived, “hello?” he shouted. 

“In the kitchen,” mum called. 

I slid off my chair and was the first one to hug him hello. I missed my dad a lot sometimes but no where near as much as I miss Kian. He and mum kissed each other’s cheeks then he set his coat on the bench. Mum and dad haven’t kissed in a long time. 

“Hello everyone,” he smiled. 

“Hey dad,” I said. 

“Hi dad,” Kian smiled. 

“We’re going out for breakfast when you’re ready,” mum told him. 

“Sounds good to me. Let me just put my stuff away,” he said then walked off. 

“When are you going to talk to dad about the…” Kian faded off, not knowing if I knew. 

“Tonight before I got to bed. At least he has time to think about it on his flight tomorrow,” she explained. 

“How do you think he’s going to take it?” I asked. 

“I have no idea,” she sighed. “But he started this so I’m ending it,” she explained and we both nod. 

“Alright,” dad clapped. “Ready”

We all filed into the car and sat listening to dad’s music during the car ride. When dad was home things had to go his was or he wouldn’t be very happy. Dad liked sixties and seventies sort of music. Today we were forced to listen to the beetles. We got to cafe were we always eat breakfast as a family. We’re not allowed to go unless everyone is there. So we never usually went because Kian was away for school. As per tradition Kian and I would get waffles and mum and dad would get breakfast meals. 

“So you two…how’s school been?” dad asked as we waited. 

“It’s been good. Next year is the last years of my course and I’m getting pretty excited because I get to go out to schools and teach,” Kian explained. 

“That’s pretty awesome. Ashlynn…how’s school been?”

“Alright,” I shrugged. 

“C’mon I’ve been away for a month. I need details,” he pushed. 

“There’s nothing to tell you really. I spent the last week alone because all the friends I made graduated and Daisy’s been sick. The rest was really just handing in assignments and doing tests”

“Well that’s no fun”


“Have you gotten a boyfriend yet?” dad asked. 

“Not yet but last weekend I stayed with this guy I like and we went to see a movie”

“You stayed with him?” he asked then looked at mum. 

“He lives two hours away so I stayed over. I slept in his bed while he slept on the couch. Nothing happened dad”

“That’s good to know,” he said and mum rolled her eyes. “And I see you’re wearing the dress I got you on my last trip”

“Yeah. I figured you’d want to see me wearing it,” I said then a waitress came out with our food. 


“I want to talk about what happened with Daisy,” Kian said and sat on the end of my bed. 

“Really?” I groaned. 

“Yes really. Mum told me she’s choosing some Ashton guy over you?”

“Ashton’s one of my new friends. Daisy’s apparently been obsessed with him since they moved here and he only just learned who she was on Halloween. I mean, they’ve been dating for like three weeks and she’s told him what’s wrong with her but refuses to tell me. We actually she “just can’t” tell me. I only know because I went to there house yesterday because she wasn’t returning my calls or texts. It’s just so annoying”

“That’s so dog,” he said and I laughed lightly. 

“There’s the smile I love,” he said and tapped my chin with his curled finger. 

“Can I tell you a secrete?” I asked and sat up properly. 

“Of course bean poll. Anything,” he smiled. 

“I lost my virginity,” I said, not being able to look at him. 

“To who?” he asked. 

“My friend Luke. He was going to give it to one of Daisy’s friends but couldn’t because they didn’t know each other. I was going to give it to the guy I like now but he didn’t want to because we didn’t know each other well enough. I just wanted it gone and I trust Luke. So we had sex”

“Wow Ash”

“Are you mad?”

“Why would I be mad?”

“Because you always told me to do it with someone I love…and I don’t love Luke”

“As long as you trust him. He hasn’t gone around telling everyone has he?”

“No. I made him swear that it stays between us”

“Does Daisy know?”

“No. She thinks I lost it to Dan”

“Who’s Dan?”

“The guy I like now”


“Dan told me I could tell her that. She lost hers to Ashton that night and he was trying to help me out”

“That was very nice of him”


He offered me his pinky but I gave him a confused look, “pinky swear”

I laughed softly, “pinky promise”

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