Ni Ju Ichi

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After a while both Dan and I got bored so i decided to text Michael. 

Rainbow Unicorn

Ashlynn-Hey Mikey

Mike-Ok, so I fell on my ass earlier

Mike-It still hasn’t stopped hurting

Mike-And by earlier I mean hours

Mike-It hurts so much oh my god

Mike-If this is what anal feels like I’m not gay anymore. 



Ashlynn-That’s terrible

Mike-It’s not as bad as the joke Blake made twenty minutes ago

Ashlynn-Oh god. What did that idiot say?

Mike-My mum- we’re having chinese for dinner

Blake-I didn’t know you had a cat. 


Mike-Oh it get’s worse

Ashlynn-Do I want to read it? 

Mike-Me-Mum there’s a hair in my food

Blake-It’s from your cat

Me-We don’t have a cat

Blake-Not anymore


Mike-I know

Ashlynn-Did you hit him? 

Mike-I wanted to but I was too busy laughing

Ashlynn-Ok I have to admit it is funny 

Mike-Yeah. So what are you up to girly?

Ashlynn-Watching Family Guy with Dan 

Mike-He’s hot. Don’t hit me

Ashlynn-Stop talking about my bf like that

Mike-Awe you’re dating! That’s too cute

Ashlynn-Thanks. I know I am

Mike-Why are we friends?

Ashlynn-Because I’m hilarious

Mike-Oh yeah. Like that time you fell and smashed your ass on the floor

Ashlynn-It wasn’t that bad

Mike-It was bad

Ashlynn-Shut up

Mike-Make me

Ashlynn-What are you a straight fuck boy???

Ashlynn-You’re just pretending to be gay

Ashlynn-Whenever you and Blake kiss you say no homo

Mike-I keep my socks on when we get intimate 

Ashlynn-Yep. Didn’t need to read that

Mike-You didn’t need to but you did

Ashlynn-Fuck you

Mike-No thanks. I’m gay honey

Ashlynn-I bet I could convert you back

Mike-Only Ariana Grande holds that power

Ashlynn-Well shit

Mike-Got to go. Blake’s getting antsy 

Ashlynn-Tell Him he should keep his dick in his pants for once

Mike-He said that he always does

Ashlynn-I walked in on the two of you during sexy time Halloween remember?

Mike-That doesn’t count


Mike-You weren’t supposed to be there

Ashlynn-I was still there


Ashlynn-WELL I WAS!!!


Ashlynn-FINE!! FUCK YOU!!


Mike-Love you too baby :*

Ashlynn-I think your bf is gonna be jelly 

Mike-Piss off. Love you. Bye

Ashlynn-Loves you too. Bye bye

“That escalated quickly,” Dan said from behind me, making me jump. 

“You mother fucker!” I said then punched his shoulder. 

“I’m your king. Admit it,” he smirked. 

“Fuck you,” I said then punched his shoulder again. 

“Gladly,” he said then leant over the top of me. He gave me an upside down kiss before walking to the kitchen, “by the way mum said we’re having Chinese for dinner,” I couldn’t stop myself from bursting out laughing. “What?”

“Nothing. Just something Blake said”

“Oh god,” he groaned. 

“Shut the fuck up”

“Make me,” he said with a cheeky smirk. 

“Alright. You might moan a little though,” I said then laughed. 

“I think we have time to bang one out before dinner,” he said casually. 

“We’ve only been dating for a few hours and you already want in. Tsk tsk tsk. At least buy me dinner first”

“I am,” he said then my smile dropped. “That’s what I thought”

“I hate you”

“No you don’t”

“Yes I do”

“No you don’t. Shut up”




He suddenly rushed over and pressed his lips against mine, “I win,” he smirked after he pulled back. 

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