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I was sitting on my bed with Henley lying in front of me. She'd had a small nap but once shed woken up she was all smiles. I was talking to her and tickling her in hopes to make her laugh and smile.

"You wanna go out?" she smiled, "yeah? You wanna go see dad?" she continued to smile and wriggle around.

I picked her up, blew a raspberry on her cheek, and then got off the bed. On my way out the door I grabbed the baby bag as well as my handbag.

"Where are you going?" Arielle shouted.

"To see Luke!" I called back.

"Take me to Calum's!" she demanded then thundered down the stairs.

I made her take the bags and put them in the boot of my car while I put Henley in her car seat. Ashlynn sat shotgun and insisted she play her music. I didn't mind her music, she was into the Indie genre of music, but it just really wasn't my type. Throughout the drive she would turn in her seat and talk to Henley and make faces at her in hopes to get her to laugh. Since Calum lived on the way to the mall I dropped her off and made my way to said mall. Once I'd parked, set up the pram, put Henley inside it, and locked the car I made my way to the door. I walked past a lady and her husband who each gave me the dirtiest looks I'd ever gotten.

"You got a problem?" I spat.

"Fifteen year olds shouldn't be having children," she told me.

"One, I'm nineteen and two, I can do what I want with my life and since you don't know me you don't get an opinion," I angrily told her.

"I hope your child gets taken off you," the man sneered making my eyes widen in shock.

"And I hope you crash your car," I responded in rage.

I had to try and calm myself down before I got to Luke's work. Once I was there I saw Luke stacking the shelves so I tried to sneak up behind him.

"Boo," I smiled, causing him to jump, but he smiled brightly when he saw us.

"Hey baby," he beamed then kissed me. "Hey my girl," he cooed then picked Henley up.

"Oh my god is this her?" I heard a female voice ask loudly.

I looked over the isles and saw Luke's boss, Amy, who hadn't seen me since I was heavily pregnant with Henley. Luke did a happy sort of shuffle over to her and I saw her face light up. Amy was really chill, she was okay with me hanging around the store for a while when they weren't busy. Most of that time was me talking to Amy while Luke did odd jobs and occasionally joined the conversation. She'd been on holidays when Henley was born and I hadn't been into the store since she'd been back so that's why this was her first time meeting Henley. Luke Handed Henley to her, watching Henley look at Amy in confusion, then laugh as Henley started crying. I laughed as Henley reached out for Luke but I felt bad for Amy.

"It's okay Amy. She doesn't really like new people," I assured her.

Henley rested her head on Luke's shoulder but I could see her peeking over so she could see me. I clicked my tongue at her with a smile but she looked away and snuggled into Luke more.

"How old is she now?" Amy asked and playing with the foot that was dangling down.

"Seven weeks," Luke smiled.

Luke's shift was finishing an hour after I arrived so I decided to look around with Henley. I ended up buying her some new clothes, more nappies, a new dress for me and some clothes for Luke. Luke had texted me to meet him by his car so I did just that. I gave him the clothes and a kiss but he seemed to be preoccupied.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing. By the way you need to go home and get dressed up," he told me.

"Why?" I simply asked.

"I'm taking you on a date," he chuckled then gave me another kiss. "Your mum already knows and has agreed to take care of Henley," he rambled on.

"Chill. What time are you picking me up?" Luke checked his phone then looked back up at me.

"Six," he answered.

"Okay I'll see you then," I gave him a kiss, he kissed Henley then I made my way back to my car.

It was about five when I got home so I started getting ready straight away. I had to stop and feed Henley half way through getting ready but luckily I was ready by the time Luke knocked on the door. When I opened the door he looked at me in shock.

"What?" I asked skittishly, feeling like we were sixteen again.

"You just look...breathtaking," I blushed and averted my gaze. 

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I kissed Henley and mum goodbye then followed Luke out to his car. As he drove, his hand gripped my exposed thigh. I felt list perspiration between his hand and my thigh and noticed he was distracted again.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" I asked.

"Baby it's fine," he chuckled with a big smile.

We ended up at a restaurant named Emma's Place, which I'd always wanted to go to but never did. I'd told Luke about this place once when we were day drinking before I started my last year at school. Our table was outside on the deck next to the lake. As I sat across from Luke I held his hand from across the table. For a few hours we talked and ate but we I thought we were about to leave Luke asked for my other hand.

"I know we've been though a lot of shit this past year and a half but I really want you to know how sorry I am for all of it," he began.

"I know. And I'm sorry too," I interrupted.

"You're the love of mylife, the girl I've been in love with since I was sixteen, and I want to bewith you forever. You've made me laugh, you've made me cry and the best of allyou've given me a beautiful daughter whom is the best thing to happen to mebesides falling for you. I know I haven't always been the best or most caringperson but I really want to spend the rest of my life making sure I never bringyou harm. But Ashlynn I just want to ask," he suddenly stood up and knelt downin front of me. I stopped breathing, time seemed to slow, "will you marry me?"    

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