Ju Go

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The buzzing of my alarm clock was enough to get me up. All I had was a slight headache. Thank you mum. I threw back my covers and made my way to the kitchen. 

“Hello my little princess,” mum smiled as I entered. 

“Hi,” I smiled. 

“I see you take after me in the hangover department,” she observed. 

“Thank you genetics,” I cheered and she laughed. 

“Can I have the day off?” I asked. 

“I thought you were fine,” she said, confused. 

“I am. It’s just a lot of my friends are graduating today and I want to be there to see them go,” I explained. 

“Oh. Sure. I’ll just call and tell them you’re sick of something,” she said and I smiled. 

“Thanks mummy,” I said then kissed her cheek over the counter. 

“Want me to make you some breakfast?” she offered. 

“Yes please,” I smiled then stood up. 

“Scrambled eggs?” 

“You know me so well,” I smiled. “I’ll be getting ready,” I told her then ran up to my room. 

I rummaged through my wardrobe and pulled out something nice before showering quickly and straightening my hair. When I was done my hair mum called me for breakfast. 

“Please tell me you’re not finished,” she begged. 

“I’m not. I still need to put on makeup and some other stuff,” I said and she nod. I ate breakfast slowly and talked to my mum, “so…did I do anything embarrassing last night?” I asked. 

“You came down stairs after your friend Michael dropped you off then started talking to me about if you shave a guiana pig it will look like a baby hippo and how weird you felt about saying no to Luke”

“What did I say to Luke?” I asked in panic. 

“I don’t know. You we’re talking really fast. And I mean faster then usual,” she shrugged. 

“Oh,” I said then kept eating. 

My phone vibrated on the bench and I saw Daisy had texted me. 

Lazy Daisy- I’m picking you up in an hour

I put my empty plate in the sink before walking up to my room. I put on Daydreamin’  by Ariana Grande and started on my makeup. I went for a Max Black from 2 Broke Girls sort of look. When I was done with my makeup I put on my shoes and accessories before hearing mum call me. 

I grabbed my phone and walked down the stairs, “let me guess…you won’t photos,” Daisy told my mum. 

“You know me so well Daisy,” she laughed. 

Daisy and I stood against “The Wall” and let mum take a bunch of photos. After she was done I followed Daisy out to her car. 

“What happened to you and Luke last night?” she asked as we got in. 

“We got bored so we drank wine on my car as we overlooked the city,” I shrugged. 

“So you two are getting quite close, huh?” she asked with a cheeky smirk. 

“I guess,” I said. “What’s been up with you lately man? You don’t really return my texts and we’re hanging out less”

“I just have some personal stuff going on. It’s nothing you should worry about”

“I’m your best friend so it’s my job to worry”

“Ash I’m fine I promise,” she smiled. 

“Alright,” I smiled back. 

When we got to the school, of course the boys were waiting for us. I was nervous to meet their parents but I kept my nerves on the inside. I couldn’t stop the smile on my face when I saw Michael and Blake were holding hands. 

“What’s going on here?” I asked. 

“It’s graduation. No more christian school, no more bullies,” Blake explained. 

“Oh right. Well, I’m so happy for you both,” I said then hugged them. 

Everyone was called to take their seats in the hall. I was sitting next to Daisy and she was sitting next to her parents. Blake being on of the school captains was required to make a speech, but his was after everyone was giver their certificates and stuff. 

“Hello everyone. Most of you parents may not know me, but I’m sure all the students do. My name is Blake Webb and I am one of this year’s school captains. I may not have been at this school for the whole five years but I have had so many memorable experiences over the past two years here. I’ve made lifelong friends, I’ve kicked butt in soccer and the most important…I met my boyfriend Michael here. That’s right I’m gay. Say what you want but I don’t care. Bye,” he said then stepped down and everyone seemed shocked. 

The boy’s families, Daisy and I all capped loudly and everyone else clapped awkwardly. After Blake’s speech the ceremony ended and all the seniors got to say their goodbyes out the front. It was a pit of tears and hugs and I could see everyone was approaching Blake. I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw Calum. 

“Hey Cal,” I smiled. 

“Even know we’ve graduated I’ll still get to see you all the time…right?” he asked timidly.  

“Of course,” I said then reached up and gave him a tight hug. 

After hugging Calum I hugged Michael, then Ashton, then Blake and then Luke. My hug with Luke was a little awkward. Once Blake announced celebratory pizza at his place Daisy started holding Ashton’s hand. 

“Are you two together now or something?” I asked. 

“Yeah,” Ashton blushed. 

“Are you mad?” Daisy asked. 

“No. I’m just kind of upset that you didn’t tell me,” I admitted. 

While we ate pizza at the Webb’s we decided to have a 2 Broke Girls marathon. Everyone had someone to cuddle but me. Literally. Luke and Calum were cuddling. It was cute that they could do that but only see each other as friends. 

“What’s wrong Ash?” Blake asked. 

“Everyone has someone but me,” I pouted. 

“Come and spoon with me,”he offered. 

“But you’re spooning with Michael,” I pointed out. 

“We can make a spoon train,” he said then I burst out laughing. 


“A spoon train. It’s spooning but with more then two people,” he explained. 

“Is Mike ok with this?” I asked then looked at Michael. 

“Go ahead. He’s mine though,” he smiled then tightened his grip on Blake. 

I shrugged to myself then laid in front of Blake. We were facing the TV so we could still watch. It literally went in height order. Michael at the back, Blake in the middle then me at the front. 

“I feel weird watching you spoon my brother,” Daisy told me. 

“We could have been in this position but you ditched me so suck it up princess,” I said then she pouted as everyone laughed. 

Trailer for this story has been put in the first chapter. 

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