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I imagined Danielle to look like Taylor Momsen so I found a picture of her and what she was wearing. 


By the time mum had finished the “be safe” talk It was already seven. I had to sit on the couch and listen to her and dad give me a “stern talking to” about how I should behave and what not to do. She’d let me take her car since she wouldn’t be needing it, which I was thankful for. When I got to Blake’s there was already cars everywhere and that bass of the music could be heard from outside. When I walked inside the whole place was crowded so I just walked into the kitchen. I saw Daisy sitting on the bench as she spoke to Ashton, both with red, solo cups in their hands. 

“Luke!” Ashton chirped. 

“Hey man,” I smiled. 

“Where have you been?” Daisy asked. 

“Mum gave me “the talk”,” I explained. 

“I hate that talk. But man our mum talks forever,” Ashton giggled, obviously tipsy. 

“Where’s Blake?” I asked. 

“Jumping right in I see,” Daisy winked. “Grab a drink them I’ll tell you”

I rolled my eyes with a smile but obliged. I grabbed a spare cup from the bench and scouted the choices. I settled with vodka and coke. I took a swig before walking back over to Daisy and Ashton. 

“Follow me,” Daisy announced majestically as she jumped off the bench. 

I followed her around until we found Blake and Michael talking to a bunch of people I didn’t know. Daisy tapped his shoulder and he raised an eyebrow at her before she gestured to me. 

“Luke man!” he said and hugged. “Where you been?”

“Mum wanted to have a “chat” with me,” I confessed. 

“You’re such a momma’s boy,” he chuckled. 

“I am not!” I objected. “She just wouldn’t give me the keys to her car if I didn’t listen”

“Anyway, Luke this is Jason and Dan. Guys, Luke,” he introduced us. 

“Hey,” I smiled. 

“What’s up,” Jason said. “Dude,” he said hitting Dan’ who was looking behind me. 

“What?” Dan snapped. 

“What are you looking at?” 

“Just a girl,” he said; shaking it off as if it was nothing. 

“Right,” Blake announced. “Help me out guys. Are the same girl still easy or have the dynamics changed since I’ve been gone?”

“Little bit,” Dan said distractedly. 

“I thought you were gay?” Jason asked in confusion. 

“I am. Luke here on the other hand,” he said and put his hand on my shoulder. 

“Oh, well in the case. Carly, Tammy and Beth are no longer since they’re in “relationships”. But the additions are Samantha A, Sarah P, Belle, Riley M and Taylor T,” he explained. 

“And the rest are the same?”

“The rest are the same,” he concurred. 

“We need someone tall enough since my friend here is a giant,” Blake chuckled. 

“Really?” I asked. 

“Sorry mate,” he smiled. 

“Well they kind of all are in heels,” Dan told us absentmindedly. 

Banter || HemmingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora