Yon Ju San

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I took in a deep breath after I came up from the slut drop. The guy I'd been dancing against pulled me closer and breathed heavily in my ear. Demi Lovato's Sorry Not Sorry was playing through the house as we kept grinding and dancing.

"I missed you," I heard him whisper into my ear.

I turned around immediate and came face to chest with Dan. I slipped away immediately and found Arielle. I dragged her away from the guy she was talking to.

"Um we were just making our way to the master bedroom," she told me loudly.

"We gotta go," I told her.


"My mentally abusive ex is here and I accidently grinded on him," I rushed.

"There's another party two streets from here. But I'm grabbing my hottie and bringing him cause I'm not starting over," she stated.

I waited for her to grab the guy then we walked the two streets over to an all too familiar house. I stood outside and looked up at the looming house. Arielle tugged on my jacket and dragged me inside. I immediately saw Ashton in the hall. We locked eyes then almost immediately ran off; I'm assuming to alert the others. I watched Arielle walk of with no-named hottie so I decided to pump myself full of more drinks.

"Oh hell no," I hear Arzaylea scream as she stormed towards me.

She immediately went to take a swing at me but I grabbed her hair before she could touch me. I dragged her outside because I'd seen the boys hanging out back there.

"Control your mutt," I demanded to Luke.

"You shouldn't even be here," he fired back.

"I wouldn't be but I got dragged here unknowingly and Arielle's fucking some dude somewhere," Arzaylea tried to get away but I just wrapped my hand around her hair tighter; pulling roughly against her scalp. "Come and collect her or she's going in the pool."

"Don't you dare," Arzaylea warned.

"Do it. She's cheating on me anyway," he shrugged.

I saw her mouth go agape so I shrugged and pushed her in. I laughed as I heard her scream before she hit the water. I walked inside but felt someone hot on my trail. A hand gripped my arm and spun me around too quickly for me to handle. I ended up stumbling forward only to collide with Luke's chest.

"You're a real piece of work; you know that?" he spouted furiously.

"And I bet you're still infatuated with me," I smirked.

"Fuck off," he scoffed.

"It's so true," I sassed.

"Get over yourself MacAuley," Luke rolled his eyes as I took a sip of my drink.

"Get over me Hemmings," Arzaylea badged past slamming her shoulder against mine at full force. "Drowned rat," I screamed out.

"I think it's best you leave," Luke told me, stepping back.

"But you wouldn't want that now, would you Hemmings?" I asked him flirtingly as I stepped closer.

"Don't," he demanded and took a step back.

I stepped closer, right up in his face, "c'mon Hemmings. We both know you want to fuck me again. Bet it was boring having to fuck mono-face for months on end."

I watched as his jaw tightened, he rolled his eyes and walked away. Seems he'd lost interest in me, which I didn't mind just so you know. I didn't car for Luke. I didn't have feelings for him in any way. He was just a guy I used to hate. Then grew to care for. Then fucked over I guess you could say. But I was clear from the beginning. He knew I didn't like him in that way and I was very clear I didn't want to be with him. Okay maybe the movie thing was a bit confusing but Arzaylea really gets on your nerves.

I shrugged to myself and ended up texting Arielle to tell her I was ditching. I got about five streets away before I felt a presence behind me. I walked for a bit more before I finally turned around. I saw a girl around my age just standing there staring at me.

"Can I help you?" she shrugged so I turned around.

I jumped a little seeing Arzaylea and two other girls standing there with menacing smiles on their faces. I sighed and she just smiled wider.

"Fuck," I groaned.

I kinda blacked out while they were beating the crap outta me. I just know that when I came to it hurt...a lot. They ran off laughing as I was left to die in the middle of the street.

"Four on one isn't really fair," I shouted but it hurt immensely.

I just laid in the small pool of my own blood until I got enough strength to pick myself up. Grabbing my phone pocket, only to find it smashed as hell, I took a photo of the pool of blood before limping the rest of the way to my mother's house. Once I managed to hobble up the three steps I knocked on the door loudly. My hands were stuffed deeply into my pockets and my head was down. I didn't know how this was gonna go down. I knew at first she was worried I was dead in a ditch somewhere but I always left a note saying I was safe if I didn't see her. The last time I had was about three months ago and see was okay with seeing me. Like she wasn't angry I mean.

"You're not dead," a male rushed and hugged me immediately after.

It took me a second to realise it was Kian. I hugged him back with all the strength I could muster. We stayed like this until I heard mum's voice.

"Who is it Ki?" I looked over her shoulder and saw she was frozen in shock.

"Hi mum," my voice was shaky and timid.

She gripped my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. It was tight but comforting. I felt and hear her let out a sigh of relief as she hugged me tighter. When we finally puled back she was shocked.

"What happened to you?" she almost squealed.

"I got jumped on the way here," I shrugged.

She invited me invited me inside, "We need to go to the police about this. Do you know who it was?"

"I know exactly who it was," in my head all I could do was smirk. 

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