So I taught them about Seafood...

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"I can... paddle. Until I inevitably drop then trudge at the bottom." Orga answered slowly. She shrugged. "It usually works. No complaints so far."

Queen Ghidorah said nothing and turned away. She refused to answer for several reasons, some related to her anger towards her loss and some more... practical. Said practical also kept what little pride she had left.

"Alright." Gojira exhaled and waved them over. "Follow me. I'll show the place you can go."

"And fuel of some sort?" Orga pressed on.

"Maybe you'll get lucky and find some at the bottom. Let's go." That came out as somewhat sarcastic but... that could be the case, especially with the previous skirmish. Without another word, Gojira went towards the ocean, the others reluctantly following, though Queen Ghidorah chose to hover once it got waist high, her wings able to do that at least. Gojira suddenly stopped as he had one last thing to say. "Oh yeah, and none of you try to slip away either. I got a sixth sense for idiocy."

"Here that, Megalon?" Gigan teased, nudging her friend's shoulder. "He's probably got his eye on you."

Megalon gave her a deadpan stare. "Shut up, robot chicken."

"If you could cut it on your oh so witty banter, that'd be appreciated." Gojira remarked dryly.

There was a lot of things Gigan could cut, physically mostly. Had it her way, the remarks would not be one of them. Sadly, for her though, she'd have to bare it and nod to his "subtle" command along with the others.

And so they wordlessly followed once again, only behind him this time. Rather bold move his part unless you knew of his nuke pulse like Queen Ghidorah did.

On Gojira's end, he was thinking of a good shallow place to lead them. Even near the coast of Infant Island, there was always a good spot to catch and devour a good deal of fish. Not as tasty whales nor could they hauled onto land as one, but it got the job done.

It didn't take too long for them to reach a select coral bed, hopefully far from the other Kaiju Girl's territories. Considering how it was still on the other side of the Island, Gojira doubted the aliens could be too much of a nuisance here.

Gojira took a second to really admire what he didn't get to see in so long or take in. Between Hell and the battle with the aliens, he didn't really get to admire the multicolored reef teeming with so many lives. Granted, he was going to eat a lot of them, but it still felt so nice to see again, to take in the ocean and it's beauty. What really got him was how big the fish were around this area. He didn't notice it last time when he hurriedly went out to eat those Orcas, but the fish here were huge compared to his world. He briefly wondered if they mutated.

He turned to face the aliens, noting how unimpressed they seemed, especially Megalon. "This planet really reminds me of my home. Though much less impressive, advanced, and an overall nostalgic letdown. Kinda makes me depressed."

"Your face is depressing." Gojira blurted.

Gigan snickered to herself. "Talk about insult master."

"Anyway," Gojira motioned to the blue world around them, "here's a nice spot you idiots can use to catch food. Feel free to go out a little further to get whales if you want." He narrowed his eyes. "Just don't hunt in excess or destroy too much of the environment."

"Why the hell do you care?" Gigan quirked a brow and pointed at him. "Don't you guys blow shit up on the planet all the time?"

"Yes. Human stuff." His gaze became deadpan. "I also live here, dumbass."

Gigan coughed into her hand. "Oh, Right."

"Besides. Only humans deserve the grief." Gojira mumbled.

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