Chapter 6 - Delinquent

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The weekend went by in a second and it was already first lesson on Monday. Before the history teacher left she states, "The will be a group project due in 2 weeks from today about what we have been learning. It can be anything as long as each person in the group contributes."

Like in every story, usually the main character ends up with the love interest in a group project. Nope. Not in this one. This time, you ended up with a nerd and a delinquent. Well, a smart delinquent that is. You didn't even know he was in the class since most of the time he doesn't show up. You have no idea how he hasn't been put in a lower class yet. This guy's name was Hamada Yudai and he didn't strike as the clever type until the first meeting you had about the project. Surprisingly, he seemed like he knew his stuff but that didn't stop him from living the bad-behaved lifestyle. You, Hamada and the nerd were discussing your plans.

During the end of the meeting when you were about to discuss time schedules and where you were going to do this Hamada interrupts, "I hope you know one of you will do all the work for me."

"Did you not hear the teacher? We all have to contribute." you remind him.

"If your the one who does the work for me, I'll at least give you all the information."

"Whatever, I guess that's something." you sigh.

"And we have to do it at your house." he slyly whispers to you.

"Pervert. I'll report you!" you shout. The nerd you don't know the name of suddenly starts sweating and looking around for help, as he knew he wasn't strong enough to face Hamada himself.

"No! It's not like that." he waves his hands around.

"Then how else am I supposed to take that?" you ask.

"Where else are we meant to do the project? We're not doing it at my house and I'm certainly not spending more time at school than I already do." he explains.

"You don't even show up to lessons."

"Yeah? And?"

You sigh. "Okay I guess... I have club activities so I'll text you my address when I'm on my way home. What's your number?" you pull out your phone ready.

"What's your club? I'll meet you there."


"I don't have my phone and... I don't know my number." he looks away whilst hesitantly saying this.

"Oh. Well, meet me at the sports hall at 5pm." you demand. He pats you on the shoulder, smiles and leaves, leaving you and the nerd awkwardly sitting in silence.

*Skip to practice*

"Hey Y/N!" Tanaka and Nishinoya simultaneously say.

"Hi boys!" you say with a bright grin. Seeing them be so joyful when you attend practice makes you happy.

"Hey shortcake." you hear behind you, causing you to turn.

"Y/N! Do you have a fever?" Hinata yells while touching your face. Like he would know what a fever would feel like. Then the realisation hit you. You were blushing so much... at Tsukishima calling you shortcake. You glance over at Tsukishima, who was already walking away, but he still looks back just to show the massive smirk on his face. That jerk.

"Hmmm, Y/N?" Hinata grabs your attention, still holding your face.


"What does a fever feel like?"

"Idiot." you laugh.

After the practice game, Takeda-sensei gathers us all round and lets us know that the boys have a practice game with Nekoma. Everyone seemed excited but you're still new and havent been to every practice session so you have no idea what the Nekoma players were like.

"Dont worry Y/N, I met someone at Nekoma and there's nothing to worry about! They're not mean!" Hinata notices your worry. You ruffle his hair and smile. I love this kid sometimes.

It was time to pack away and when you walk into the storage room with the net you find a pole rolling your foot back, making you drop the net and fall forward.

You closed your eyes, ready for your face to meet the floor. But there was something in the way. A chest. You open your eyes and realise you were in a tall figures arms, who weren't letting go.

"You're such a klutz, shortcake." The mysterious man says. Well, not so mysterious anymore. Theres only one person who calls you shortcake. Knowing this now, your arms subconsciously held on to him tighter and shockingly he did the same. Snapping out of it, you pull back and pick the net back up.

"Erm... th-thanks for catching me." you embarrassingly stutter and then speedwalk out of there.

You ask Kiyoko if your done for the day, in which she replies yes, and then you run to the clubroom to grab your things. When going back to the sports hall you see Hamada standing there, still in his school clothes.

"Don't tell me you actually go to a club." you laugh.

"I don't. I went town with some friends straight after school then came here." he replies.

"Oh right, I'll be back I'm just gonna go say bye." you run back in.

"Bye everyone!" you wave.

"OMG IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" Hinata inevitably yells out to let everyone know I'm walking home with a boy that isn't in the club.

"WHO IS THAT?! I'LL FIGHT HIM! NO ONE MESSES WITH OUR CLUB'S WOMEN." Tanaka shouts while running towards Hamada.

"Can you stop him before he regrets this?" Hamada nudges you.

"Tanaka it's okay, we're just doing our history project together." you try to cool him down.

"Hmm, okay. But if you do anything to her I'll kill you." Tanaka threatens him but Hamada responds with a laugh.

"OKAY! Let's go now." You grab Hamada's arm and basically run out of here. You turn your head and coincidently the only person in sight of the doorway was blondie. You make eye contact for a short moment which he breaks. He seems angry again.

"Is one of them your boyfriend?" Hamada suddenly asks.

"No why?" you respond.

"Oh, strange. The guy with the glasses seemed really pissed that I was with you. He probably has a crush on you."

Your face heats up. "No! He doesn't! He's always moody. His nickname is literally Saltyshima and Stingyshima."

"Oh, it seems you have a crush on him too." He bends down with a smug look, inches away from your face.

"No I don't!" you storm off.

He catches up with you, "Hey wait! I'm just teasing you." He giggles which makes you laugh.

"You have a girly laugh." you point out.

"WHAT?! No I dont!" he then proceeds to laugh but purposely making his voice 10x deeper.

"See! It's not nice being teased."

"Shut up! You made your point." he pouts. Who knew this idiot would actually be fun to be around.

After you got to your house and worked on the project he was surprisingly really respectful and he didn't pull any sneaky moves on you. Your mum must have liked him since she made dinner for both of you.

"Thank you for the food L/N-san! I'll be leaving now, bye Y/N-chan!" and he leaves.

"Y/N he is so nice! Please tell me you're planning to be his girlfriend!" your mum pleads.

"What the hell mum. No. Also, he was only acting like that because you're here." You escape upstairs before she could say anything else.

You check your phone and see no notifications. For some reason, you were expecting Tsukishima to text you and  you felt disappointed when you found out he didn't.

Author's note: Hamada is an oc lol sorry if the name is ugly i literally got Yudai from Galism (who is also a delinquent lol) and Hamada from google lmfao. If any of you wanna know what he looks like he was dyed blonde hair (with brown roots growing out), dark brown eyes, tall and muscular. The rest is up to you guys.

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