Chapter 24 - Nishinoya's house

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"Make yourself at home!" Nishinoya says as he opens the door to everyone. You and Tsukishima take off your shoes and he put them next to each other, which you found quite cute.

Yachi's parents called her to go back home while we were on our way to Nishinoya's, so you were the only girl there, since the third years didn't come to have the day out due to third year stuff.

The boys, of course, started playing video games with each other.

"Hey? How come I haven't had a go yet?!" you try to shout over their loud noises (from winning? or from losing? Who knows.)

"We didn't know you were good at video games." Tanaka says.

"WOW. Is it because I'm a girl?" you shove your pissed off face in front of his.

"No no, really. Haha." he backs up and waves his hands like he's proving his innocence.

"I'll show you how it's done." you take one of the controllers. "Who's playing me first?"

"I'll play!" Asahi offers.

The game was just a fighting game, like mortal kombat. You could tell Asahi wasn't experienced in this game since he was just smashing the keys without any tactic. You've grown up playing these games since your dad actually loves video games. You haven't played in a while though, but you were confident in your skills.
After a few minutes, you won the game.

"Who's next?" you look behind you. The boys faces were in shock. Is it really that much of a surprise that a girl is good at video games? Come on. It's 2021.

You played a match with all the boys and managed to beat all of them. Except one, Tsukishima still hasn't had his go.

"Kei." you say.

"What." he looked bored.

"Are you gonna play me or what?" you ask.

"No. I don't wanna embarrass you." he says cockily. Not even looking you in the eye. This felt like the start of when you first met him.
The rest of the boys were all quite intrigued in what was happening.

"Coward." you try to provoke him. You've never seen him move so fast. In a split second he went from sitting on the couch to sitting on the floor with the controller in his hands.

"Start the game." he says as if he didn't just move at the speed of light.

You start the game and this one is more difficult than the others. It was clear he is more experienced and he didn't just mindlessly smash the keys. Despite the challenge, you still won, thought he did give a lot more damage to your character than the rest of the boys.

"Hmph. I guess you're good." he rolls his eyes and goes back to his original place.

"You're not so bad either. At least you did some damage." You giggle.

"HEY! What's that supposed to mean?!" Hinata shouts.

"Nothing!" you laugh. You get back up and sit on the couch again next to Tsukishima.

"I'm gonna put on a movie. Any suggestions?" Nishinoya asks.

"A romcom!" Tanaka suggests.

"No! I want a Marvel movie!!" Hinata desperately insists.

"What about a horror?.." you say.

"No." Kageyama instantly opposes.

"Come onnnn. Stop being a wuss." you beg.

"Fine!" Nishinoya randomly clicks on one of the movies in the Netflix horror section.

"Oh I've seen this one. I don't mind rewatching it though." you tuck in, ready for the thrill.

Though it wasn't very thrilling after all because after 10 minutes or so you drifted off to sleep on Tsukishima's shoulder.

*Tsukki's POV*

What kind of idiot falls asleep during a HORROR movie? Well, I guess she's watched it before, and she probably tired herself out after all that gaming.

Gah, she looks so cute when she's sleeping. I can't believe someone this adorable is my girlfriend.

This movies not that scary. Not for me anyway. Kageyama and Hinata are clinging onto each other from fear like idiots. Asahi seems quite spooked too. Can't believe she's sleeping through all this screaming. I should probably get her home.

"Guys. I'm gonna go, and I'm gonna take Y/N home, she's fell asleep." I whisper.

"Okay!!!" Nishinoya loudly whispers with his hands cupped around his mouth.

Hmm. How do I get her home without waking her up. I didn't really think this through properly, did I? I guess I have to wake her up so she can put her shoes on and then hop onto my back.

"Y/N." I shake her lightly.

"Mmph" she rubs her eyes open. "What time is it?" she says with a raspy, tired voice.

"Time to go home." I help her up and walk her to the corridor where the shoes are.

"Oh, bye guys." she waves very lazily and with half shut eyes.

Once she had her shoes on I get her on my back.

"If you're still tired just sleep on my back." I say. There was no response. How did she fall asleep so quick? She amazes me sometimes.

I started to regret carrying her after a while, even though she's so light, walking with someone your back does get tiring after 15 minutes.

*Back to Y/N*

You shutter your eyes open and shoot up realising you fell asleep, expecting to still be on Nishinoya's couch. But to your surprise, you were tucked in your bed. You look around your room and see a figure slouching on your chair with its arm's crossed, they seemed to be asleep too. Were you still dreaming? Is this a night terror? You start to focus your eyes and finally make out that this was Tsukishima. Why is he here and most important of all why are you back in your room when you fell asleep at Nishinoya's?

You walk over to your sleeping boyfriend and nudge him awake.

"Hey Tsukki?" you whisper, since you weren't aware of what time it was yet and you didn't wanna risk waking your parents.

"Mm." he replied, eyes still closed.

"Why are we at my house?" you ask.

"Sleep now, talk later." he mumbled.

"Wake up now." you start shaking him.

"Fine fine! I'm up." he finally starts opening his eyes. "I took you home."

"Huh? How? You drive now?" you laugh.

"No idiot. I carried you."

"But Nishinoya's house is like 20 minutes away?" you refused to believe he carried you for 20 minutes. He's the type to just wake you up.

"Yeah? So?" he looked at you, confused to the fact you're confused.

"Well... I appreciate that. But you could have woke me up." you blush, he really carried you all the way home? I guess he can be sweet sometimes.

"It's nothing. Can we go to sleep now?"

"Sure, come join me in bed." you offer.

"Thank god. That chair was killing my back." he stands up and rubs it like he's an old man.

"Goodnight my love." he whispers as you lie together.

You've Got Me In Your Pocket [Tsukishima x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu