Chapter 21 - Tendou

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Tsukishima: What you doing today?

You: Just meeting an old friend for an hour or so, maybe less. Wbu?

Tsukishima: Oh cool, what's her name?

You stare at your phone. You either be honest with him and tell him you're meeting Tendou or you lie and risk him finding out. Even though the chances of him being at a cafe that's kinda far is very low, it felt wrong lying to him.

You: His name is Tendou. The redhead you played against.

Tsukishima: No chance.

You: What do you mean?

Tsukishima: If I met up with a girl on my own would you like that?

You: Of course not

Tsukishima: So you're not going.

You: I gotta, I have to sort some past stuff out with him. I won't meet him again after this. It's kinda important :/

Tsukishima: Whatever. Do what you want.

You felt sick to your stomach. Not only because you're about to meet your stalker on your own, but also because Tsukishima is now mad at you. You had to leave in 15 mins and you just wanted to breakdown. You take a few deep breaths and try to calm yourself down.

It was time.

You walk in the place and you see him already sat down, he even got your usual order that you haven't changed since middle school.

"Hey." you say, sitting down.

"Hello Y/N." he seemed sincere, this was probably the most serious you've ever seen him. Still, you couldn't help but be attentive, just in case he tries anything. Your hands were still shaking in your pockets.

"Look, I'm not here to do anything. I'm here to apologise. And to tell you why I did all the shit." he says. "I hope you will hear me out."

"Go ahead."

"First off, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did during middle school. And I'm sorry I harassed you for the past year. I know saying sorry won't make up for it but I now truly regret what I did." he pauses. It looked like he was waiting for you to say something but you stayed silent. "I know nothing will excuse my behaviour, but, some stuff in elementary fucked me up. The kids called me a monster and the only way I could stand up against him was through volleyball. And I guess he was right since eventually I did become a monster. I hurt the one person who truly cared for me, who was so loving to me. And even though I'm not sure what love is, I think I really did love you Y/N, I just had a fucked up way of showing it. I had a huge realisation when I saw you on the day of the match. I thought to myself, what have I been doing for the past year? You're literally scared me of me, what the hell am I doing? I knew you would never take me back so the only way I could win you over is through the match. But I wasn't able to beat Tsukishima. I hope you are happy with him and he will treat you much better than I did. I mean... that wouldn't be hard would it. Hah."

"Thank you Tendou." you interrupt him. "I forgive you." you lightly smile to which his eyes widen.

"Y/N I didn't expect you to forgive me." he was quite taken aback.

"I can see change in you. I know you're being sincere. I'll forgive you but of course, I will never forget. I'm glad we had this conversation."

"Thank you Y/N. Can we stay in contact? I know we agreed you won't see me again but I just wanna know how you are occasionally. That's probably why I did all that stalker shit. I just wanted to know you're okay. But now that I think about it that was fucking gross. And I admit some messages were me being jealous. Sorry for those." he laughed nervously.

"Yeah okay, but no more weird messages!" you demand in a playful way. You get his phone out and unblock him. "And done! I'm afraid I gotta go now. I'm glad we got this sorted now."

"Oh so soon? Well damn. I'll see you around Y/N. Goodbyeee." he waves and flashes his infamous smile. You walk away from the table and finally start to head home.

It was weird talking to him but, in a way, you felt comforted by him. Which was so bizarre to you, how could someone who caused you so much stress and pain at one point, made you lose your friends, made you have a lonely last year of middle school, make you feel comforted? Maybe it was just the thought of never having to receive texts from an unknown number trying to sabotage your relationships anymore. This feeling of comfort was soon shattered by the realisation of Tsukishima currently being mad at you. You wanted to tell him that Tendou was the stalker all along but that would be a hassle. He's apologised and you believe he has really changed, you didn't need Tsukishima getting involved.

As you turned to your street, you see a tall figure standing next to your house. They were too far to make out who it is but as you got closer your heart sunk. It was Tsukishima.

Authors note: hi guys idk if i mentioned it in the previous chapter but i have exams after this week i might go on a little hiatus for a month (not like i basically do already) but yeah, i'm definitely gonna finish this story so don't worry! <3 also thank u so much guys for over 6k reads and over 100 votes <3

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