Chapter 9 - Yudai

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Before the practice match with Nekoma started, you had the chance to introduce yourself to some of the team members. You learn that the guy who walked in on you cussing out Tsukishima was Kuroo Tetsurou.

"Nice to meet you." he says. "I hope that you'll never end up shouting at me like that." Both you and him chuckle.

"Who's this cutie you're with Kuroo?" says a guy with a blonde mohawk who resembled Tanaka.

"Hands off Yamamoto!" Kuroo swats him away.

"Woah! I only wanna know her name."

"It's Y/N." you smile politely.

"You're beautiful Y/N." Yamamoto swoons over you.

"Heh thanks..." even though you're getting surrounded by guys right now you couldn't help but to look for Tsukishima. Even after what you said to him, you wanted to know if he was looking at you. However, to your surprise, he was nowhere to be seen.

"...Earth to Y/N, hellooooo?" Kuroo waves his hands in front of you making you snap out of it.

"Oh, sorry, what's up?" you ask.

"The game's gonna begin soon, you watching?"

"Yeah, just one second." you say while already heading to the exit. You're only going to look for him to let him know that the match has started. No other reason.

After looking around for 5 minutes, he was nowhere to be seen. You didn't want to miss the practice match so you go back, hoping he might have already gone back too, but he hasn't.

"Hey Kiyoko, do you know where Tsukishima went?" you ask her before sitting on the bench.

"He said he wasn't feeling well so he head back home." she answers.

"Oh right, okay thanks."

His first practice game with another team and he's gone home. Great. Wait. Why am I worrying about him when he did me wrong?

Trying to get your mind of him, you observe the match. You mostly focussed on Nekoma team players so that you get used to their tactics and moves, maybe once you become more knowledgeable about volleyball you'll be able to help your team defeat them by giving them tips.

Karasuno sadly lost but it's their first practice game with another team while working together, so you were still proud of them. It's a shame Tsukishima wasn't involved.

Kuroo walked up to you before they left. "Here's my number, if it doesn't work out between you and that blonde guy you can always hit me up." he winks.

"Haha thanks." you wave goodbye to him while laughing.

"Come on Kuroo." Hinata's friend, Kenma, complained.

"Bye Kenma-kun." you shout to him. You could tell he was startled by it and his face turned a light pink. He waved to you but didn't say anything. Probably doesn't remember my name.

Hinata frantically runs out of the storage. "Y/N! Did Kenma... leave?" he says between breaths.

"Yeah, he told me to tell you goodbye though." you ruffle his hair.

"No he didn't." Kageyama blurts out.

"Kageyama!" you give him a death glare. "You must have not heard him." you creepily smile at him. Kageyama was visibly intimidated and nodded in agreement.

"Dammit I wanted to play another game on his phone!" Hinata sulks.

"It's okay, I have his friends number so we can all hang out one day!" you try to cheer him up.

"YAY!!!" Hinata jumps up in the air in excitement.

When you all leave the hall, a certain someone was waiting for you at the exit.

"Y/N! Finally! I know we didn't plan this but I wanna finish this project already." he rubs the back of his head with a smile hoping for you to say yes.

"Sure but I have to check with my mum first." so you pull out your phone and ask her and of course she says yes since she took a liking to Yudai.

As always, you say your goodbyes to everyone and you head off home with Yudai.

"Why did you want to finish it today? Couldn't you have asked tomorrow instead of waiting for me, you idiot." you laugh.

He nervously laughs and doesn't answer, like he's hiding something.


"Oh erm... I dunno, I just wanted to." he answers suspiciously.

"Yeah you're not fooling me, what's going on?" you're starting to get worried.

"Well, there's two reasons actually." he says. "First of all I got kicked out today and second reason I'm not telling you yet."

"Forget about the second reason, what the fuck do you mean kicked out?!" you near enough shout.

"Keep it down Y/N! It's not that big of a deal, I'm used to it. My dad's gone, my crazy mum doesn't have any money. She says that me living with her is too expensive so she tends to kick me out a lot." he says casually like it's a normal thing.

"Yudai, that's terrible, if you need a place to stay, I'll try to sort things out and you can stay with us until you can go back home." you offer.

"Oh no no no I don't wanna be a burden. It's fine. All I wanted was company... and a meal." he whispers the last bit then winks and laughs. However you don't, you can't even believe he's laughing when he's in this situation.

"I'm asking my mum when we get to mine." you made up your mind.

"Y/N." he stops walking suddenly. You turn around ready to say what. But you couldn't, because he already pulled your face towards his and you're both now kissing. You pull away, confused.

"Why did you do that." you immediately ask while wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, avoiding eye contact.

"It would be awkward now if I stayed at yours." he smiles.

"Well, yes. But I'm not letting you stay on the streets idiot. I can handle a bit of awkwardness." you mutter, still embarassed about what just happened.

"Whatever. Fine." he finally agrees. After that, you and him walk home chattering, completely dismissing what just happened.

When you arrive home, you convince your mum to let Yudai stay and she eventually got your dad to say yes too. Of course, he has to stay on the couch downstairs as far away from you, to avoid your dad committing murder.

Yudai was very grateful and constantly thanked your mum. Even though, he's an idiot at school; he is actually very respectful. After today, you learned that he actually owns very little. The reason he didn't give you his phone number was because he didn't even have a phone and when you asked why he wants to do the project at yours, it's because he was ashamed of his living situation.

One thing constantly lingered on your mind. Following the kiss, all you could think about was Tsukishima. What if he somehow saw you? You just couldn't stop thinking about the kiss with the stupid blondie even though another boy just kissed you. You didn't even feel anything with Yudai, you didn't feel all heated up like you did with Tsukishima.

"Y/N? Are you listening?" Yudai snapped you out of it.

"Oh, sorry... what did you say?"

Eventually, you both finish your part of the project and now you just have to give it to... what was his name?

Author's note: Happy new year guys! Thank you so much for reading i was so grateful when i got over 1 reader and now i've got like 160? thank u sm honestly! i wasn't gonna put anything personal but if u like edits my insta and tik tok edit account is val.tsukishima (i've got many tsukki edits lol). I'll try write the next chapter soon i wanna get as many chapters out before school starts again but yeah sorry for babbling on.

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