Chapter 19 - Shiratorizawa 2

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You turn your head and your heart dropped to your knees.

"T-tendou." your voice starts to shake.

You made sure he didn't see you so how did he know.

"How have you been sweetheart?" he smirks. "We haven't spoke in a long time."

"Don't call me that. And let me go." you plead.

He slowly lets go but still keeps his arm near. Probably so if you try to run he can easily grab you again.

"I apologise for what I did to you in middle school. But let's make a deal." he says. The worst apology you've ever received. He might as well just laughed in your face.

"Whatever it is, no." you reply.

"If we win, you break up with Tsukishima and get with me. If Karasuno win, I will leave you alone forever." he raises his eyebrow, waiting for your response.

You stayed silent. You were considering it for a second. Karasuno have improved so much and you had hope they would win, so is it worth taking a chance? You wanted him to leave you alone but if Karasuno lose then your worst nightmare will happen. You could refuse this deal and he could possibly harass you forever. He never does anything physically so you can't even bring action against him. So this is probably the only way he will stop doing this stuff.


You couldn't believe you just blurted that out. You have faith in your team but this was a big risk.

"Good to hear. And good to see you. Bye bye." he waves as he's walking away. You feel a lump in your throat. Today will either be the day of your freedom or the worst day or your life. You couldn't hold it in any longer. It was time for you to be honest with what happened. If you even have the chance to.

You try to shake this off and go back to the team. You were obviously not how you were 10 minutes ago but you don't think anyone noticed.

It was finally time for the match. You were basically shaking. As soon as that whistle started, you felt the urge to throw up. You would cheer as much as you could but even the sight of Tendou made you so unnerved. He was a great guy when you first met him, you just couldn't believe what he really was.

*Just to let you know, there could be some triggering stuff ahead, like sexual assault and grooming etc. (it's not really grooming since he wasn't 18 at the time but it's a similar situation) so just in case stuff like that triggers you, skip the next paragraph*

During middle school, you never got any attention from boys, your crushes never really liked you back and you, yourself didn't take that much interest in boys. When you found out a boy who's slightly older liked you, for once you felt like a woman. Everyone was jealous of you. Some even didn't like you, but you didn't care because you had Tendou. Then he invited you to his house. That's where the trouble began. He tried to make a move on you and you obviously refused as you were too young. You trusted him to understand but he took that trust and snapped it in your face. He took your fragile, young body and tried to strip you. When he did, he took photos. That's where you knew everything would go downhill from there. You quickly put your clothes back on and ran out while he was on his phone. The next morning, everyone stared at you and whispered to each other as you walked across the hallways. One of your friends at the time came up to you and showed you her screen. She called you slut and said she can't be friends with someone like that as your naked body was on her screen. It was all a blur from there, your emotions overwhelmed you and you were left with no one. He basically got away with a slap on the wrist with the police and you just couldn't do anything else after that. The pictures don't exist anymore, but the horrible feelings still haunt you to this day. And so does Tendou. He carried on harassing you on unknown numbers. You couldn't understand why, he was so nice to you. It was clearly a facade.

You realise you were in the middle of a game again, you felt tears falling down your face after remembering all of it.

"Y/N!! Why are you crying?" you hear a voice next to you.

"Oh, um, it's nothing. I'm just so proud of them it makes me cry." you laugh it off.

"Oh! Me too!" she smiles.

I should really go back to concentrating on the game.

Authors note: we finally know y/n's past! also i'm sorry if you like tendou!! it's okay if you wanna drop this story now haha i didn't really wanna use any of haikyuus characters to do this but i didn't wanna make an oc since it wouldn't be as interesting. but yeah vote if you're enjoying this story love you all <3

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