Chapter 11 - Generosity

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After you got home, you immediately get your phone out so you can text Tsukishima.

You: Thank you for today :)

He replied almost instantly like he was waiting on the chat.

Tsukishima: Can I see you on the weekend?

Your stomach just turned upside down from excitement, is he asking you on a date?

You: Sure! What for?

You wanted to play it cool and not look too desperate.

Tsukishima: For a date idiot.

Your face became extremely hot. You wouldn't be surprised if you started excreting steam like the Colossal Titan.

You: Where to :D

Tsukishima: We could go to the museum event on Saturday then go eat at a Café.

You: Sounds good, isn't this what couples do?

Tsukishima: There can be friendly dates too.

You were kinda underwhelmed by that response but what do you expect from Tsukishima, he wasn't exactly the type to know what girls wanna hear.

"Who's got you smiling like that, eh?" Yudai scares you from behind making you jump.

"YUDAI! Don't do that again!" you take a deep breath to calm yourself down after that jump scare. "And no one, just my friend."

"Just a friend huh? Anyways, I'm going home tomorrow, my mom contacted the school and she wants me back home. I didn't wanna make you worry if i didn't come back here after school so I managed to convince her to stay here for another night."

"Oh, well whenever you get kicked out again you're always welcome here." you say. You suddenly had a thought. "Wait! I think I have an old phone that still has a sim card and stuff." You rummage through your draws trying to find the phone you don't use anymore. "YES! Found it! Okay, I don't think there's any credit on it but I'll try convince my mum to let me buy some tomorrow for you. Try to save it for emergency situations. Do you have Wi-Fi at home?"

He stares and smiles at you for a sec. "Thank you so much Y/N. You're truly such a kind soul."

"You're so cringe." you laugh.

"Shut up. And yeah I do. Only my mum used it since she's the one with the phone." he replies.

"Okay, whenever you wanna message me, make sure the texts are blue so you're using internet and not credit. I'll turn on iMessage for you." which you do.

"Y/N." he bluntly says.


"Why are you doing all this for me?"

"Well, it's a long story. Also, it's better if you have a phone so you can let me know if your mum kicks you out or does something."

"I have time to listen to that long story."

"I'll sum it up. Basically I had no friends last year. So I guess now that I have friends I'm going all out to help them." you answer.

"What? You didn't have friends? That's a surprise, you're the nicest person I've ever met. I'm guessing everyone was jealous of you or something."

"Erm no. My stalker kind of ruined my life and made everyone hate me."

"You have a stalker?! Why the fuck didn't you tell me? What does he look like? I'll beat the shit out of him." he raises his voice.

"Shush! My parents will hear you! He hasn't physically done anything to me since last year. He does still harass me through messages though. But it's nothing to worry about I promise."

"What did he do to you last year?"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now, I will open up to you about it one day." You felt like you wanted to tell Tsukishima first. Even though you consider Yudai as your brother now, Tsukishima promised to protect you first.

"Okay, tell me whenever you're ready." he pats you on the back and goes back downstairs.

You fall asleep thinking about ways that Tsukishima would ask you to be his girlfriend. You always did this with fictional characters since you've never liked someone this much before. You don't even remember the moment you started to develop feelings for him. The scene of you and him kissing replays in your head a lot more than normal.

Author's note: I'm really sorry for the very short chapter! I promise i'll make up for it next chapter. Also i have a lot of online school work so i can't write chapters as quick as before but i will try my best. love u all <3

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