I had found them.

"Jake you idiot!" The guy I had not yet identified said towards the guy who everyone kept bashing for losing the key. If this wasn't an extremely dangerous situation I would probably be laughing.

The new guy was tall, muscular, and had a slit across his eyebrow. He also had earrings in along with, like the other, a fully black wardrobe. How can 4 people pull off a single color so easily? It's like it was made for them. Oh, and I'm pretty sure it was mentioned earlier that his name was Corey. I'm pretty sure.

"Next time tap me on the shoulder and go, hey, Jake, here's the god damn key!" Jake yelled back.

"That shouldn't have to be done if you could just pay attention to your surroundings more!" Sam replied.

"My ADHD!" Jake yelled.

"Oh my god, can the 3 of you just shut up and let me think for one second!?" The attractive guy suddenly yelled, making the 3 childish boys stop talking immediately. His tone even made me flinch, his deep voice seeming to echo throughout the forest. My foot stepped back, causing a crunch from beneath me. I squeezed my eye shut at the noise and mentally cursed myself.

My eyes popped back open as I heard footsteps coming towards me. I have ducked down again, trying to seem as small as possible. It was a pointless position, but necessary for me not to scream or squeal in fear.

"What was-" Corey was cut off by the attractive guy shushing him.

There was silence.

"Who's there!?΅ He yelled. I stood still and stopped breathing, every nerve in my body telling me to run or yell for help. But I couldn't move. I was frozen.

The silence continued.

Then there was a sigh.

"It was probably just an animal" He muttered to himself, "And as for the lock, we can just break it no biggie. Here, Sam, find a rock" He instructed.

I peeked my head around the boulder once more and watched as Jake dragged a large box out from a bundle of bush and Sam grab a rock the size of a bowling ball. I stared at the box and the large silver lock that was wrapped around the top.

What was in it?

"I'm not sure about this man, what if we damage what's inside?" Corey asks.

"I don't think it's gonna cave in, it'll just break the lock," Colby reassures them, even though the way he said it ensured me even he was unsure what would happen.

I stare at the lock, realizing it was an ABUS Granit™. Why such a nice lock? It doesn't matter, the point was it wasn't going to break with the rock. It'll just dent it, which could mess up the lock system within it and they wouldn't be able to get it open; even with the key. They'll break it, but not in the way they want to.

My worst fear suddenly came true, Just as Sam lifted up the rock to drop. It was just about to slip from his fingers when my foot suddenly slid from beneath me, causing me to fall onto my back with a thump.

My heart stopped again.

There was no thunk, so I knew they hadn't dropped the rock. That was worse. It meant they had a shot at getting the key and actually being able to open the box; and who knows what's it there.

A gun was suddenly brought to my face. Immediately, I began to sweat and shake in fear as the barrel of the murder weapon was so close I could smell the slightly metallic scent lingering from it. My eyes watered when I realized it was the man I had yet to identify, wielding it.

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