Chapter 12 // Bewildered

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Humaira's POV

I feel hot. Really hot. I gasp and wake up to find my self on top of my bed. In my bedroom.

It was all a dream. The hospital. Dr. Einstein. Mom crying. All a dream.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand and jump out of bed.

That was the most realistic dream I've ever dreamt of. It felt so real. I don't remember anything except that I was in Az's kitchen. That's all.

The door creeks open and in comes my mom. Her heads pops inside my room. Her wide eyes meat mine.

"Your awake." She starts waddling her way towards me. "How are you feeling?" She asks me as if something happened to me. Unless if something did happen. Did something happen?

"Uh yeah, I'm fine. Why are you asking?"

"Oh just checking up on you to see if your alright. The hospital incident scared me."


So, I was in the hospital. It wasn't a dream after all! God I can be so stupid some times. But the question is, why?

My thoughts were interrupted by my moms genuine voice. "Let's go get you some thing to eat." She holds my hand as if I were a baby or something and takes me down stairs. Weird.

I find my dad sitting in the dining room along with Az's family, the 3 girls, Warda, Rona, and Zarataj along with their parents. At the corner of my eye I see my cousins in the living room almost breaking the couch.

Why is my house full? God dammit. This must be bad. They all stare at me with a frown and sad eyes.

My mom sits me down in one of the chairs like I was the most fragile thing ever.

Right then all the questions were spat at me.

"OMG are you okay?!" "How are you feeling honey" "did you sleep well?" "does anything hurt?" "Why aren't you talking!?!"

I just stared at them like they were crazy. My dad came in and put his hands up making the whole house completely silent. "What have I told all of you," he says while gritting his teeth.

Wait, what? He told them something. I think I wasn't supposed to know. What has he told everyone that I am not supposed to find out about?

Murmurs were heard through out the whole house. "Whys everyone here?" I finally managed to spit out. They all just stared at me with a glossy layering on there eyes.

Az came and sat next to me. I looked at her and moved my mouth to the left to tell her I want to talk to her later. It was part of our face language thing.

She nodded slowly and looked down. Some thing was definitely wrong.

Finally someone spoke up. "We heard about what had happened to you and came as soon as possible," one of my cousins in the back spoke up.

I just remembered the whole hospital incident. I fainted in the kitchen and lost conscious.

"It wasn't that big of an incident. I just fainted. Nothing else."
They all were staring at me like they knew something I didn't. "You Guys shouldn't have taken the trouble to come her," I tell them.

I hear "it's okay's" spreading through the whole room. My dad claps his hands. "Okay every one, it's time to eat. Humaira dear, you must be starving. I nod and turn my head to the right.

My brother Eshan was staring at me with worried eyes. He was looking at me intensely.

I walked up to him and start waving my hand around his face. "Is everyone going nuts? Looks like your part of the nuts gang along with Az." I smirk at him.

He gives me a small smile and nudges me.

That was the first time I've started a "conversation" with my brother without us starting an argument.

I nod at him with furrowed eyebrows and walk into the family room. All the women were there.

As soon as they saw me they stopped talking. I walked up to where Az, Warda, Rona, and Zartaj sat along with some of my little baby cousins.

They gathered around me. "How are you feeling?" Warda spoke.

"I'm fine," I replied. "But, why are you guys acting so weird?"

They look at me with wide eyes and then look at each other. I for sure new something was up, and it is big.

"I know something is up. Spill."

The silence was killing me. Before someone could reply, Az gets up and pulls me out. Everyone follows.

"Oh looky there! It's time to eat. Let's fill that tummy up." She gives me the most fakest smile I have ever seen her pull.

And in the first time in my life. I don't feel hungry. It just doesn't feel right for some reason. The tension inside the house was making me anxious. I need to know what's up.

I nod slowly and sit down along with my friends. My mom practically fills my plate with two layers of food. I gulp. Well, I didn't need that diet anyways.

I start eating and chewing slowly along with everyone at the table. When ever I looked up, at the corner of my eye I can see my brother staring at me.

After finishing up my food quickly, my mother bids everyone goodbye. Az is the only one that stays.

I pull her up to my bedroom and sit her down on my bed.

This time I don't want to know anything. I don't want to know about the way everyone's been acting or how they just completely changed. I'm going to forget everything or I'll get a huge headache in which I don't want to be part of.

"I don't care about anything that's happened. Let's just order some pizza and watch a god damn movie. Okay? Okay,"I tell her.

She nods giving me a wide smile. "Let's."

* * *

The whole day consisted of me and Az eating food, watching movies and making up cheezy pickup lines.

I almost forgot all about the hospital incident but then I remembered when my mom brought me medicine into my room.

I shook it off and went on with the day anyways.

We had college tomorrow and I wanted to stab my self right there.

Az left around 11 O'clock and I was forced into going to bed early with my moms constant rambling about going to college on time.

But the only thing was, I didn't go to sleep. My gaze was fixed on my ceiling. The darkness surrounded me with nothing but the sound of my breathing.

Thinking. That's what I was doing. Thinking about everything that happened today. I tried to forget but it's impossible. There could be many things wrong.

Maybe something is wrong with Eshan or someone died and no one would tell me because they think I'll get into a shock. What if theres this huge zombie apocalypse and people just want to hide the secret from me. You never know. the possibilities are just endless at this point.

I drifted off to sleep with a quote that got stuck to my head for some odd reason. I don't know. I feel like someone hammered it on me like I was a piece of wood and reality was the sharp nail.

"It's hard to forget someone that gave you so much to remember."

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