Chapter 28 // Meet Tania

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Chapter credit to one of my bestestestestest friend I_Google_You. She typed up this whole chapter for me and I just told her what to type soo THANK YOUU BAEEE <3 Also go check her book out, Its called "Falling For a Patient".

Also thank you TesseMalik for editing. LOVE YOUU BABEE <3 Go check out her books(they're coming real soon) and follow her! 

Enjoy :)


Azs' POV

I sat down tiredly onto the couch on the stage. Lifting up my dress a little, there were bruises on my feet from these monstrous heels! I'm so nervous, Ive been sitting on this couch, in front of about three hundred people and I get even more nervous because theres still a lot more people yet to come.

And as if my day couldn't get any worse, this girl comes up to me, already knowing that she's going to be the most annoying person ever.

"Hi, Im Tania." She introduces with a smile spreading across her caked up face.

Im not someone to judge but I'm getting a bad vibe from her for some reason. She was wearing a tight sari that barely covered any part of her body. She practically naked!

"Hi, Im Azzahra."

Her lip liner looks like its melting off her face like Humaira during taraweeh. And not to be too judgmental, it looks like she's about to attack me with her punchbag boobs. But thats none of my business.

"You look soo pretty...O....M...G, I wish I could be just like you." She said, dramatically.''But come ONE can be like me."She flips her hair.

"Ok? Thanks?" I reply unsure of what to say."Good for you, how about you go rub it on someone else's face who actually gives a damn." I gave her a tight lipped smile, she immediately takes that as a signal to walk way, huffing loudly. I wasn't trying to be mean, but I'm already having a bad day and then she comes up to me with her fake ass personality as if she owns the place.

I'm already very tired and just want to see him already. None of my friends are here, they're taking care of other business. I wish there was a bedroom somewhere in this hall so I can just sleep until he's here. Why did i have to be here first? oh yeah ladies first. But still I'm rooting for sleep > people. I wish I had my phone, but my auntie took it for some goddamn reason because I was planning on using my phone but she said it looks bad if the bride is doing something else rather than talking to people.

Abruptly everyone stand up and look to the left and little girls starts screaming while throwing flower petals everywhere and I wonder why. I look toward where everyone else is looking, but from the corner of my eyes I see Humaira and Tess running toward me, more like sprinting. And make me stand up before I can see what everyone is looking at.

"Hes here, why are you still sitting?" Tess asks, and they quickly fix my dupatta and makeup, and then I finally get to see who's here. It was Zain. His sherwani matching my dress. His eyes were fixed on the floor and they slowly looked up to me, he was only a couple feet away from me and everyone was screaming and clapping.

"Good luck." Tess whispers and then leaves the stage. Humaira hugs me and whispers good luck before screaming ,"Get it!"

Zain was smirking at me and so I looked down, my face red as a tomato. I'm gonna murder her, but I still giggle to myself. My parents approach me and my mom lifts my face as if i were a baby and says,'' You've grown up,'' She seems teary eyed.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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