Chapter 24 // Life partner

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Zayad's POV

They say when you meet your partner everything just feels so right. You get butterflies in your stomach and theres this urge to just smile all the time. The world around you is a blur and the focus is on that one person.

I can't belive I've been fooled by my own thoughts. Seriously, I don't even know her that much but why does soemthing inside me make me want to be close to her? And get to know her more then anyone else could. Make her laugh till she gets tears in her eyes and make the best memories I can.

But that can't happen. I hate her. She's nothing but a disgrace. She's broken my heart. And I thought maybe this could be a chance for me to change and find someone new to start fresh and forget about my past.

One day it'll happen. I'll recover and everything will be fine. I'll live a simple life just like everyone else. My past will be a blur. I just hope no body finds glasses to clear them in my present.

Last night was devastating for me. After I left her I went straight to my apartment. I needed my meds or else I would lose it and could possibly end up murdering someone. My eyes were blood shot and the pounding in my head wouldnt stop. I managed to get home safley. But the amount of meds I took was enough to knock me off on the floor.

And here I am lying here trying to figure out what went wrong. Getting up on my feet I check the time but was shocked to see so many messages. Checking through them I almost triped while going to the bathroom. How could I forget!?! Its Zains big day! Running out of the bathroom with my toothbrush still dangling from my mouth I grab my cloth and jump in the bathroom for a quick shower.

I just hope I dont have to see her there.

* * *

I'm in Zains house trying to calm him down while he's running around his room looking for his cloth. While I have to clean his dirty room that he didn't bother doing the night before.

"Dude, calm down. Shes most likely not going to care about that little wrinkle on your panjabi," I explain to him. Seriously do girls take notice of that stuff? Its such a little matter.

"uh, yes she will Zayad! What if she thinks of me as a slob. And she'll just want to stay away from me. God dammit where is that iron?!" He barges out of the room with only his pants on. I huff in annoyence. The only thing to clean now is his bed so I smooth out the wrinkles, place his dirty cloth in the laundry basket and place the pillows neatly. God, I am such a good friend. I should reallly get paid for this.

As I stretch out after all that hard work, Zain comes in with a nice ironed punjabi and puts it on. I roll my eyes and walk out the room. The house is sworming with people. But mostly girls. I raise my eyebrow at a hot girl that walks by. Damn, that ass.

There are mostly hot girls walking around and I examine each one of them. I dont know but every time I look at a girl that looks around my age I compare them to....her. I cant stop myself. She is more different then all the girls here. They're isn't much girls here that are religious like.....ughh I can't even think of her name. I know it, but I feel like if I speek or even have her in my mind, everything will go wrong.

Just like yesterday.

I planned everything. I felt like she'll get more attracted to me and I'll have a better chance of getting to know her. When I first met her I couldnt stop staring. She was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on. But I tryed to focus on other things and try not to get too attached like last time. The first time I fell in love was the biggest mistake of my life. She betrayed me and with her selfish needs.

My thoughts vanished when this girl comes up to me. "Hey, I'm Lina and you are?" The girl asks. When I look at her I know this one wants something. Maybe this will work. I can distract myself and try to get her out of my head. So I reply. "Im Zayad, Zains best freind." She looks at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

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