Chapter 18 // Spaces between us

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*WARNING this chapter has some mature language.

Narrater's POV

Zayad can't seem to hold his excitement. His eyes are glowing making the situation more bad then it already is. Little does he know that his heart is going to get shattered into pieces. And you know what the cause of that would be?

The innocent sounds of words coming from a person that would haunt his soul till his last day on this earth.


Her scarf flowed through the wind as the sun showered on her skin making her presence glow.

She hesitated. What should she say? Humaira thought. Anything could break her at this moment.

"There have been many problems in my life that don't seem to make sense right now. And I don't really think marriage is.....what I want to go through at This time Zayad."

That was the first time he ever heard her same his name. An amazing feeling went up his spine, by hearing an angel say his name. But a realization hit. She was talking about marriage. And it didn't sound good coming from her.

Zayad hesitated. "What do you mean?"

There was a long pause. She didn't want to say it but there was no other choice given to her.

There were choices. But it would freak him out too much.

Choice 1: die and go upon your lord who has planned your last day on the cruel world


Choice 2: die and leave everyone miserable by your stupid thinking.

Choice 1 it is. Humaira thought.
She kept thinking and thinking.

But finally let it slip. "Zayad I....I'm sorry but....I can't, get married to you. I'm sorry. I can't accept your proposal."

Zayad winced and then got up from his seat. Humaira did the same.

"W-what do you mean? Did I do Something wrong?"

She shakes her head.

"Then what is it? Did something happen?"

She stays still.

"Are you interested in someone else?"

Shakes her head again.

Oh lord what should I say! Humaira was freaking out.

"Then what is it!" He screamed. Zayad was frustrated. Why did she say no!?! There has to be something! Something that she's not telling me, he thought.


There was silence.

"I-is this because, you've found someone else?," he asks.

Humaira hesitates. No, it's not because of some one else. It's you. It was always you. Humaira wanted to scream, but........

She's stronger now. Right?

Zayad's eyes were now darker then ever. Tears filled the edges of his vision. He wasn't mad.

He was.......hurt.
And it hurt like hell.

"It is! Oh my god. I didn't know you would be that kind of girl Humaira. You went to far" At this time. The hurt flew away. Anger took over.

This time, he went to far. What did he mean by, 'you went to far'. Did she go to far to fall off the center and lose his trust?

"N-no, I-it's not like th-".
Humaira was cut off my Zayad before she could finish.

"It is Humaira, it is. You know what? I had a feeling you would be those types of girls. A pure........"

No. Please. Don't. She thought.

"A pure slut!"

There was a long moment of silence. She stood there and just starred. The silence seemed to loud. Or was it the pain echoing around her that pierced her ears.

Tears. There were lots of tears. They just kept going and going.

She didn't know what to say. He was right. He was so right.

"And your brother! That asswhole can't even do anything right. My dad hired him for our company and he got fired in a week. Heck, I think he got it from you!"

He did not just go there.

"Are you serious!?!? This is between us! My brother has nothing to do with this! And how dare you."

Zayad just chuckles. He was losing it.

"And your mother. I wonder how she even deals with you. Or even deals with herself."

Oh hell to the no!

"You did not just talk about my mother like that! Do you even have any respect!?!? And your getting way out of hand in this topic. I didn't know you would be like that Zayad."

More tears start flowing. She takes a step back to be father away from his yelling.

"Didn't know I would be like that? Ha! What kind of joke is this now. Give me one explanation on why you don't want to marry me! Tell me, why!?!"

What should she say? She can't tell him the truth. She can't, after what he just did.

"B-because, you......your......"
Humaira stops. Because what! Think of something!

"Because what Humaira!? What is it!?! Tell me now!!! I need to know!!"

No you don't, she thought.

"B-because......your a player! Your a god damn player that has been with too many women. Your a filthy backstabbing person that I can't trust!!!," she screamed.

"So this is what's been bothering you isn't it! That's why you've been ignoring me this whole week!"

Zayad just grabs his hair and starts pulling it.

No. It isn't. It never was.

"You know what? Fuck you! I want nothing to do with you anymore!! Your just a messed up slut who doesn't know what the right answer is!"

Zayad storms off, leaving her there.


The last few words punched her right in the face.

Your a messed up slut who doesn't know what the right answer is

Humaira burst out into tears and fell to the ground. Everything's ruined. Everything.

What should she do now? It's better to be dead now, then go after him.

The pain and hurt was taking up her whole body. But suddenly, she couldn't breath. Her lungs stopped working and the only thing she could take in was.....nothing.

Her eyes are now turning red and no
Oxygen couldn't go through her lungs.

Humaira didn't know what to do. Am I dieing? She thought.

I hope so.

Heyyy guys! Did you like this chapter? I decided that I would put in the Narrater's point of view so it doesn't go back and forth and you guys get all confused. This had some inappropriate words that may not have suit with you very well, so I'm sorry about that.

But if you liked it then don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

Love you 😘

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