Chapter 22 // The BIG day

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*thats Az's wedding dress

Az's POV

The lights glimmered in the halls. A red carpet was rolled on the floor waiting for my golden heels to make there way to the entrance.

Everything was perfect. My best friend was by my side. Other friends from high school were also here frantically trying to get a picture with me. My mother was looking beautiful as ever. And my relatives came from all over the world.

Her small smile gave me courage that I could do this, and not run away. I could get through all the cuts, bruises, and heart aches. I can do this.

My eyes wandered to my dad standing at the entrance with my mother. He looks dashing with his clean suit.

He gave me a wink and smiled at me with pride. Your daughters all grown up dad. Tears started to well up. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this. It's all going so fast.

Humaira was by my side beaming with pride. She's going to be gone to. I notice that we're getting closer and closer until I see I flicker of light.

There he is.

I gasp and jump up from my bed. Was that a dream? No it couldn't be. It all felt so real. Every one was happy and nothing was wrong. I groan and pull the covers off of my sweaty body.

I didn't even notice the swarm of girls running around in my room. It hit me. TODAYS THE DAY.

Girls were piled up near my mirror putting makeup on as if it's there last day on this planet. Why in my room? Am I not the bride?

No one notices me. They're all just worried about themselves. Ughhhh.

I push my way through the room and end up in a hallway with little kids running around playing tag. I almost felt like puking in my room because of all the perfume being sprayed everywhere.

Dragging myself to the bathroom I successfully find it empty.

The bathroom was a mess. Makeup was scattered all around the counter and there was even some kisses on the mirror.

After I was done using the bathroom, I stepped found aunties running around the halls trying to catch kids and get them ready. Someone grabbed my hand and pushed me into a room.

Oh god, it's mom.

"Where have you been young lady! I've been looking for you for the past 2 hours! I couldn't even get in your room. My eyes were almost to the point where they almost started puking because of all the perfume." I nod at that and let her go on with all the bantering.

"Mom, where's Humaira?" That's the first thing I ask her and she rolls her eyes. "Did the dress arrive already?"

And just in time, the door opens dramatically. Humaira walks in and screams, "the dress is here!"

I smile. But what I didn't notice was that there was a person behind her. She steps in front of Humaira with Her hands on her hips.

There, right in front of me is an angry looking Tess. She runs my way and tackles me to the ground.

Tess starts screaming profanities, on why I never called her, and where have I been, she also started cussing in Bengali on how I'm getting married so early.

This was all fake. It was an act from Tess to show Humaira that we haven't already met. I told her about Humaira and she took it hard. I never seen her so disappointed. Like she did something wrong or she could have fixed this. But no one can. It's called faith.

I'm still on the ground trying to breathe but she wouldn't budge. "Get off of me you Fat ass!" I scream.

But instead she just sits right on top of me not even giving a single care in the world. Typical.

So I laugh and hug her. She smacks the side of my head, but I still notice a small smile.

She then starts kicking me lightly and I try to grab her foot but it's useless.

My mom is looking at us with amusement. She then manages to talk. "Ya Allah! You've grown so tall Tess! How is your mother doing?" My mom completely ignores the fact that Tess is beating the crap out of me.

Tess gets off me and dusts her self. They both start talking about who knows what. Rolling my eyes I look towards Humaira. She has a huge grin on her face.

"Women!, I tried calling you yesterday, but you wouldn't pick up the phone," I tell her.

The grin is gone and her face just drops. Something's not right. But in 3 seconds she looks at me and gives me a fake smile.

Before I could ask her what in the world happened, Tess comes up and says, "Okay ladies, we only have 5 hours to get ready." I roll my eyes. "So Az, let's get your stinky ass ready!"

We all laugh and my mom gets out of the room to get everything all suited downstairs.

*(Sponge bob voice) 2 HOURS LATER

The dress took soo long to put on. There were so many sides and some string started poking out so we had to cut that. There was also a problem with how the scarf looked for the ceremony.

Humaira did my hair. It was up in a delicate way with brades and small flowers at the back. We also managed to put up some head jewelry or what ever you call it.

Tess and Humaira both already had their dresses on. They looked stunning.

I still haven't even looked in the Mirror because they both wouldn't let me. Tess said it was a "surprise".
I mean, why would I be a "surprise"?
Come on, I'm not a gift.

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