Chapter 13 // Can life not

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Humaira's POV

"Get up! You have to go to college!" A voice screamed on the right side of my ear. A loud groan escaped my lips.

I lazily turn to the right side of the bed and press a pillow on top of my head.

"Get your lazy ass up! You have to go to college or your going to get late!" I immediately recognized the voice.

Aunt Durdanah. I shot up from my bed. There she was standing next to my bed with her arms folded and a small smile on her lips.

I jumped out of bed gave her a big hug. "Oh my god! Aunt Durdanah! What are you doing here!?!" I ask her surprised as ever.

Aunt Durdanah lives in London. She's one of my 3 Aunts that I have and my most favorite relative from my moms side of the family.

"I'm here to get your lazy ass out of bed." I smirk at her reply. This is one of the reasons why she's my favorite. She's real and hilarious.

"Okay, but why are you really here? Did mom tell you about the incident about me going to the hospital? Oh god. It's not even that big of a dea-." I was about the finish but she put her finger on my lips.

"Dear lord please have mercy on this girl! You talk to much." She looks at her watch and then at me. "And you only have one hour to get ready!"

I roll my eyes at her remark and make my way to the bathroom.

Doing my usual morning routine I make my way down stairs and find my uncle, aunt, and my cousins who were running around on the living room.

I go inside the dining room where my aunt sat. "Oh Humaira, your here!" My Aunt says before making me sit down and placing a plate full of food in front of me.

Looking at her suspiciously I decide to shake it off. (N/A LMFAOO sorry I had to)

* * *

I didn't have enough time to talk with my Aunt because college was in the way.

Lately everyone's been acting really weird and I can't quite seem to figure out why.

But the only thing I'm worrying about is Az's engagement. When I was standing next to the door I over heard my parents talking about Az's engagement during this month.

They said that Az's family might cancel it but before I could find out why my Aunt pushed my out the door.

College was a obviously boring with endless lectures and loads of homework. I didn't see Az at college today for some reason.

When I was leaving I decided to call her since she didn't text me In the morning. It was our daily routine to text each other every morning. Maybe she's sick or she forgot.

The phone beeped 3 times and went straight to message. Is this about Az's engagement being canceled?

I let out a huff in frustration and stomped my way towards my car. Why would her parents cancel her engagement?

As I was making my way towards Az's house my phone started singing. Picking it up while looking at the Road I managed to unlock it and press it against my ear.

"Hello?," I let out in anger. The sound of shuffling was heard until they finally spoke up after some seconds.

"Hey it's Az. Can you come over? I need to talk to you."

I bit my lower lip and replied back without screaming at her in the phone. "Already on my way."

Before she could reply back I ended the call and put it back in my purse.

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