Chapter 26 // ALERT ALERT!

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Humaira's POV

I let out a a frustrated groan as I attempt to try and get my way through the guards. They look at me as if I'm crazy. I've had enough today after what I had to go through 30 minutes ago.

Tess try's with my again but then kicks the guards leg giving up. "Okay look, we need to get through now, or else I'll scream," I say. They just look at me with bored expressions thinking that I'm just boasting.

I start yelling things at them while at the same time punching their stupid chests. The 6 ft guard rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. Do these idiots know how to even speak?

"Do you even know who the hell I am? Why are you not letting us in!?! My stomach is in neeeed of food!!" I start screaming out.

"Look Mam, we are not aloud to let other intruders in unless you have a card or you already came in with the rest when the Limo came."

"But we did come when the limo came but we had to do some other important stuff!" Tess tries to explain.

My head starts to hurt from how much stupidity these two men hold. I was almost about to jump on them and try to get my moms attention until I heard heels coming this way.

I couldn't see who it was because of the huge guards but I perked up when I heard Az's voice.

"Oh mam, what are you doing here?" The one guard suddenly has a nice tone and voice. I roll my eyes.

"Are you to stupid or is it radiating off of Humaira on to you?" Az smirks at them. They look at her confused.
"Did you not notice Humaira," she looks at me,"and Tess," she looks at Tess, "escorted me to the main entrance? You guys were standing right next to the door way."

Tess starts laughing at how the guards suddenly have wide eyes at the remembrance. We make our way into the hall but I make sure to stick my tongue out at one of them and run up to Az.

"Wow, that was...." Before I could finish Az scoffs and hurriedly walks away from us and onto the stage.

Tess gives me a What-got-up-her-ass-look and I just shrug. "I think it had to do something with disappearing for 2 hours," Tess says.

"Maybe. But....we had to. If we told her it would ruin the whole plan. And I didn't want to lie to her so I said it was something important."

We both walk up the stage and sit next to her side by side but she just ignores us as of were nothing.

"Haloooo, where's Az? All I see is Mrs. Grumpy pants," Tess pokes Az's side and she yelps. I laugh and do the same thing. And soon enough we get her to laughing until she gets tears in her eyes but I can still see she's attempting to put on a straight face.

"Where were you guys for the past 2 hours? I've been looking for you everywhere and you guys were no where to be found," she starts rambling, "and Tess. There are soo many people that want to see you."

Before we could both try to handle the situation, a little boy comes running to the stage and jumps on Az's lap. The little boy hugs Az tightly as if she's his stuffed animal."Azii apaa!!" (Apa means sister) the child gasps at Az. "You wook swo pwitty." Az giggles and hugs the adorable boy.

The kid is soo cute. I smile at him and pinch his chubby cheeks. "Rahim, my little pumpkin, how are you?" Az asks.

He giggles and hugs her ounce again. Me and Tess let out an awwww. She smiles at him and he starts talking but still finds it hard to say some of the words.

I let the three of them talk and make my way towards the food section.

Biryani, here I come.

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