Episode 6 Part 2 - Rescued

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Mary was sat in the parlour having tea by herself, contemplating the news Esther had given her earlier that day about Lady Denham when a visitor was announced by her servant.

"Mr Stringer, Ma'am."

Mary stood up from her seat to greet him. "Mr Stringer."

"Mrs Parker. Forgive me for interrupting your tea."

"Not at all. How can I help you?"

"I was coming to enquire after Mr Parker after... after the injury he sustained at the cricket match as I did not see him at the site yesterday." Mr Stringer said rather sheepishly.

"That is kind of you, Mr Stringer, but I am afraid he is not here. He left for London yesterday on business. However, I can assure you that his elbow was feeling much better when he left."

Mr Stringer smiled awkwardly. "That is good news. It's just... I did not want Mr Parker to think that I meant him any harm, especially after the pay dispute..."

Mary frowned at him. "Pay dispute?"

"Aye. Did he not tell you? I felt for sure you knew, especially after Miss Heywood was making enquiries about it."


"Yes. Miss Heywood said she was sorting Mr Parker's papers and could not find any paperwork regarding payment of the men's wages. She asked me about it and I had to tell her that we had not been paid."

"Right." Mary said, feeling rather ridiculous as she didn't know any of this. She clutched at the new necklace which Tom had given her that was around her neck. "How long did you go without payment?"

"A few weeks Ma'am, but we were paid in full just before the cricket match. So you can see, there has been a little ill-feeling between us... and also because of the pagoda."

"The pagoda?"

"Yes. Now Mr Parker does not want such a thing and I had already completed the plans... But it doesn't matter." Mr Stringer said, feeling a little embarrassed.

Mary did not know what to make of this information, only that it hurt that Tom had not been honest with her. "You can rest assured Mr Stringer that both Mr Parker and myself consider what happened on the cricket pitch as an accident."

"That is very good of you Ma'am." Mr Stringer replied. "We have heard news that Lady Denham is unwell."

"Yes. Miss Denham came to tell me this morning."

"If you see her, please do give her my regards."

"Yes, I will, Mr Stringer."

"Thank you Ma'am. Good day."

"Good day, Mr Stringer."

Mr Stringer left the room. As soon as he was gone, Mary wrenched off the necklace from around her neck and put it down on the table, wondering what other secrets her husband had kept from her, and more than that, how he had come into the money to pay the men...


Sidney would not permit Charlotte to go into the gambling house with the gentlemen and told her to stay inside the carriage. He expected her to protest, as appeared to be her custom, but thankfully she did not. Sidney had had dealings with Mr Beecroft before, although not particularly recently, having frequented his establishments with Babington and Crowe in the past. He was a shrewd businessman, enjoying the power he had over gentlemen who wasted away their inheritance at the gambling tables. Beecroft did not care how the men paid their debts, so long as they were paid promptly. But would he go so far as kidnap? They were invited into Beecroft's office and each took a seat in front of his mahogany desk.

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