Episode 8 Part 5 - Every Happiness

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Charlotte woke up full of nerves on the morning of her wedding. The day before had been frantic to say the least. As soon as Sidney had broken the news of his plan to Tom and Mary, Mary had got straight to work organising the menu with the cook for the wedding breakfast whilst Charlotte went to the dressmaker accompanied by Mary's maid, Muriel, to collect her wedding dress. Sidney and Tom were tasked with seeking out a vicar who would be willing to marry Sidney and Charlotte at such short notice and also to inviting the small number of guests that would be in attendance. There was so much running about that Sidney and Charlotte barely saw each other for the rest of the day, and as it was customary for the bride and groom not to see each other the night before the wedding, Sidney left Bedford Place to go to Babington's before dinner.

Mary had fussed a lot over dinner at Bedford Place regarding the details of the day, hoping they had remembered everything. Charlotte was grateful of course for all her help, but if she was honest, she was not in the least worried about what was being served for the wedding breakfast nor what sort of time they needed to get up the next day to start getting ready. All she was concerned about was that Sidney would show up at church and then the rest of the day would see to itself.

As it turned out Charlotte woke up early the next day, even before the servants. She tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn't as she was too excited! Deciding that sleep was a futile pursuit, Charlotte eased herself out of bed, slipped on her dressing gown and looked out of the window. It was still dark and moon was visible over the rooftops. However, there were some dark clouds looming on the horizon. She watched them moving across the skyline for quite sometime until eventually they covered the moon, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Almost at the same time, there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in." Charlotte said, pulling her robe more around her. It was Muriel, Mary's maid.

"Good morning Miss Heywood, you are awake already I see."

"Yes, I was too excited to sleep."

"Only a few more hours are you'll be wed! Although let's hope the rain stops by then." Muriel said, looking at the buckets of rain that were now falling, but Charlotte just smiled.

Muriel helped Charlotte get washed and dressed and pinned up her hair in a simple, yet beautiful style with small pink flowers woven through it and when Charlotte stood up to show Muriel and Mary the final look they gasped in awe.

"Oh Charlotte, my dear, you look exquisite!" Mary said with tears in her eyes as she took her hands. "I can't tell you how happy I am to be gaining you as a sister!"

"Me neither, Mary. Thank you for everything. I have greatly appreciated your friendship over the last few months." Charlotte said then sighed as she looked down to gather herself. "I only wish my father were here."

Mary smiled at her sympathetically. "But you can be at peace with the fact that your father wanted this for you... for the both of you."

"Yes." Charlotte said as she wiped away a tear.

"Come, let's go and get Tom. I think he's more nervous than you!" Mary suggested and they giggled.

Tom had been surprisingly supportive since Sidney had announced they were to marry in haste. In fact, since the meeting with Mr Lennox he seemed a lot less strained. Charlotte hoped this was a good sign that he was finally getting control of his finances. Mary had not divulged the extent of their conversation with Mr Lennox, but the situation was apparently not as bleak as it first appeared. Although spending would have to be curbed and some changes made, the family would still be more than comfortable. Sidney also seemed more at peace with his brother, and when they had asked if Tom would give Charlotte away in the wedding ceremony, Tom couldn't be more delighted to do so.

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