Episode 4 Part 2: Betrayed

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After over a week of going from bank to bank at his brother's request, Sidney had had no luck at all in persuading them to extend Tom's credit. It was clear him now that Tom was failing to live within his means and the receipts that Tom had claimed were simply misplaced, were actually non-existent. Sidney wanted his brother to succeed, of course he did, but he wished he was more sensible when it came to doing business. He wondered whether Charlotte had done as he requested and had discovered anything else in his accounts? Why did he suspect that what she had originally unearthed was just the tip of the iceberg? Resigned to the fact he would have to break the bad news to his brother, he began his return home. However, despite the awkward conversation with his brother that was to ensue, unusually, Sidney was not dreading the return to Sanditon. This was because for the first time he felt that things were amicable between himself and Charlotte, and it was a good feeling! He was actually looking forward to seeing her again and hoping that the truce they appeared to have reached between them was going to last this time.

And so it was that Sidney began his journey back to Sanditon on horseback, thinking his first stop would be Trafalgar House, for he may find Charlotte working there. The thought made him smile. As he was making his way along the cliff tops, he could see a small group of people in the distance. There appeared to be some sort of confrontation happening between them. He quickened the pace of his horse until he recognised who was in the group: Miss Lambe, her maid, Miss Heywood and Mr Molyneux. He tightened his grip on the reigns of his horse. If Mr Molyneux was here, then he expected there to be trouble for he knew about Mr Lambe's objections to him. But what was Charlotte doing here with them? As Sidney got closer, he dismounted his horse as Charlotte continued to speak angrily to Georgiana. She appeared in quite a state and did not notice him at first, but he heard a lot of what she was saying and it pained him to hear it... Unwilling to let her say anymore, he decided say something to alert her to his presence...


Charlotte was feeling absolutely furious with her friend for putting her into this position again. More than that, she felt betrayed. She looked on at the couple, still holding onto each other and smiling softly at one another without a care for anyone else. Crocket stood a little distance away obviously feeling incredibly uncomfortable. When Charlotte had said his name in greeting (albeit a terse one), Otis had merely glanced at Charlotte and then turned back to his sweetheart. Whilst she hardly knew the gentleman, his lack of manners made her all the more angry.

"So this is what you had planned for this morning, Georgiana?" Charlotte said, trying to remain calm.

"Yes, well, I could hardly go out on my own without a chaperone, my father would not allow it."

"So you thought to use me instead as a means to escape the house!"

"What else could I do?"

"And I see you you've dragged poor Crocket into this as well. Presumably you got her to fetch Otis when you realised a picnic was impossible? You do realise if your father finds out about her role in it all, she will be dismissed?" Charlotte said, still feeling horrified by her friend's behaviour.

"Yes, well, my father isn't going to find out, is he?" Georgiana said looking at Charlotte calculatingly.

"I can't believe you would be so selfish!" Charlotte almost shouted out.

"Now hang on a minute, Miss Heywood..." Otis started.

"No, I will not hang on a minute, Mr Molyneux. Both you and Georgiana have put myself and Crocket in an impossible position. This is the second time you have got me unwittingly caught up in your mischief and I am the one who always comes out the worse for it." Said Charlotte. "All I've tried to be is a friend to you Georgiana, and you have used me very ill indeed."

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