Episode 8 Part 2 - Seventeen months

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After Sidney and Charlotte had spoken, they both decided to go and see Mr Lambe and Georgiana respectively rather than wait to be interrupted by Mrs Griffiths and the Beauforts when they returned from the modiste. Mr Lambe was recovering well from his broken rib. Whilst he was no longer bed-ridden, he did find moving about painful and therefore limited his movements as much as possible. He was at least able to sit in the parlour and have guests round for tea. Sidney went to join him as Charlotte went upstairs to see Georgiana.

"Ah, Parker. Good to see you. Forgive me for not rising to greet you, but moving is rather painful." Mr Lambe said.

"Not at all."

"Please, take a seat." Said Mr Lambe, indicating to an arm chair and he rang the bell for tea. "How did the Regatta go? There were certainly many visitors passing by our window."

"Yes, it seems to have been a roaring success. Lady Worcester came and brought the entire Beau Monde with her!" Replied Sidney.

"Lady Worcester, indeed? Well, then that explains it. How did she come to know of it?"

"Through Charlotte initially. They met at Mrs Maudsley's rout." Sidney replied.

Mr Lambe smiled. "Miss Heywood certainly knows how to make friends."

Sidney smiled in return. "That she does." The tea arrived and the servants poured it for them. "Mr Lambe, there is something I need to discuss with you of a serious nature." He said, his eyes flicking to the servants whom Mr Lambe dismissed with a nod.

"Go on." Mr Lambe said now the room was clear.

"I have had word of Mr Howard. He has been traced as far as London, but his precise location is as yet unknown. However, word has it that he is set on revenge for the events on the road to Scotland."

Mr Lambe went a little pale. "I see."

"There is more. Somehow rumours have been spreading that a woman fired a shot at him and now... well, unfortunately I let slip during a conversation at the Regatta that shooting is one of Charlotte's pursuits. I am afraid it will not take long for the word to spread and for Mr Howard to put two and two together and deduce that it was Charlotte." Sidney explained.

"Right. Well, what is there that can be done? How are we to uncover Mr Howard's plan?"

"I honestly don't know." Sidney said as he stood up and started pacing the room. "I have someone in London who has been making investigations on my behalf, but this the extent of the information I have." Sidney signed deeply. "The fact is that both Miss Lambe and Charlotte could be in danger of kidnapping because of their fortunes. Whilst it appears Mr Howard's plans of gaining your daughter's dowry were driven by his vendetta against Otis, Charlotte and I played a major part in scuppering those plans which left him £1,800 worse off. Once he finds out about Charlotte's fortune, he will surely consider that a grander prize given as it is twice the amount he would be entitled to in the event of a marriage to your daughter."

"So you consider that Miss Heywood is more at risk?"

"I do not know." Sidney responded running his fingers through his hair.

"Have you told Miss Heywood?" Mr Lambe asked.

"Not yet."

"You ought to. She is a capable and sensible young woman. I'm sure she would cope with it well."

Sidney looked over to him. It was clear Mr Lambe still admired Charlotte. He hoped he had given up the idea of proposing to her. "Yes, you're right, she is and I will tell her when I get the opportunity." Sidney said he sank back down into his chair. "For now, I suggest we remain vigilant. The young ladies ought to be chaperoned wherever possible."

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