Episode 1 Part 7 - The Ball

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"I wonder if Miss Heywood will be coming tonight?" Edward asked his sister as they travelled by carriage to the Assembly Rooms.

Esther rolled her eyes at him. "Oh Edward, not you too! Miss Heywood is all our Aunt has been talking about these past few days. I am sick of it! We must keep focused on the task in hand. Tonight could provide you with an opportunity to discredit that little minx Clara Brereton once and for all."

"Yes, Esther, I am aware of the plan, but surely even you are a little curious about the new heiress in our midst?"

Esther glowered at him. "Not in the slightest." She replied.

"Not jealous of all the attention she is getting then?" Edward sneered.

"No..." Esther said rather too quickly. "I just do not understand what all the fuss is about. We haven't even met her yet. There may be nothing extraordinary about her at all."

"... Except her fortune." Edward mumbled, but Esther heard him and gave him another cold look. "Esther, I just think that befriending someone with a fortune may work in our favour."

"We will not need her money if you just do what you need to do." Esther said and looked out the window bringing the conversation to an abrupt end.


Charlotte was nervous as she made her way to the Assembly Rooms with Mrs Griffiths and the Misses Beauforts. She had decided to wear a white ball dress which she had accessorised with a black velvet band round the waist, along with a black feather headpiece and black gloves to show she was still in half mourning. She had also put on her new blue shoes where were now her favourite possession. Other than her mourning clothes which Mrs Griffiths had assisted her in purchasing, she owned very little by the way of clothing, for her father had taught her to be frugal, therefore it was a novelty indeed to purchase something new.

When the ladies arrived at the Assembly Rooms, they were met almost at once by a very lively gentleman. "Ladies, welcome to the first ball of the season. My name is Mr Tom Parker. May I take your names and I can announce you as you enter." He said.

"Thank you Mr Parker. I am Mrs Griffiths and these are my charges, Miss Beaufort, Miss Phillidia Beaufort and Miss Heywood." Mrs Griffiths answered.

Tom's eyes lit up as soon as Mrs Griffiths said Charlotte's name. "Well how splendid it is to finally meet you all! Miss Heywood, I hear my wife, Mary, had the most delightful walk with you this morning." He said.

"It was most kind of her to call on me, Mr Parker." Charlotte answered.

"And how do you find Sanditon, Miss Heywood?" Tom asked, his full attention on her making it clear that she was the person of interest and not the others with her.

"From what I have seen, it is a charming place Mr Parker." Charlotte said. "I understand that you are currently building a new terrace?"

"Yes, and it is coming along very well indeed."

"I should very much like to see it taking shape." She said enthusiastically.

"Then you shall! It would be my honour to show you." He said. "You know, I designed it all myself."

"Impressive." Mrs Griffiths said as Tom turned to look at her and saw a queue forming behind them.

"But we can talk about that more another time. Please step this way." Tom said as he led them through the entrance hall to the ballroom. The music stopped and Tom cleared his throat. "Mrs Griffiths, Miss Beaufort, Miss Phillida Beaufort and Miss Heywood."

Everyone in the room stared at them as they entered and Charlotte felt rather self-conscious. It was ridiculous that she was of so much interest to people she had never met and just because she had money. She looked around the room and caught Sidney's eye. He nodded at her to acknowledge her, but he had a rather stern and intense expression. Perhaps their last conversation was still playing on his mind like it was on hers? She knew she had been rather terse with him, but he seemed to say things that really stirred up an anger in her which she had never experienced before. The fact that he had such a poor opinion of her also bothered her. Charlotte had never been concerned about what anyone thought of her before, but for some reason it mattered with him. After a few seconds, the music started again and Charlotte broke Sidney's gaze as the group were approached by a fair haired and handsome gentleman.

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