Episode 1: Part 4 - The Proposition

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Charlotte could sense that whatever would happen next would be bad for her. Mrs Griffiths had lectured her about how awful her behaviour had been for the entire journey home from the pleasure gardens. Charlotte was so shocked by the turn of events that she didn't have the energy to argue her case, deciding the best course of action was to say nothing. As soon as they got back to the house, she rushed straight upstairs to her room and burst into tears. The injustice of her situation tore at her heart. She had only been trying to do the right thing and it had completely backfired on her. She was angry at Georgiana for running off, angry at Sidney for how he had spoken to her, angry at Mrs Griffiths for how she had berated her and angry at herself for being so foolish. Now she was sure she would not be allowed out ever again.

How long she cried for, Charlotte didn't know, but eventually fatigue caught up with her and she fell asleep where she lay, still in her evening wear. She woke the next day with a terrible headache and it took her a little while to remember why and her heart sunk. She eased herself off the bed and peaked out the bedroom window, watching the people going about their daily business. Was this to be her only outlet into the rest of the world from now on? How could she bear much more of this existence? The answer was she could not and there was only one option for her. Charlotte would have to plead her case to her guardian and hope he would be a little sympathetic towards her. Sidney was most likely to be arriving today, therefore she would have to rally herself to do battle with him. Charlotte took a deep breath and then called for Jane to help her get dressed for ready for the day.

Sidney did not appear until later that afternoon. He spent the first hour discussing matters with Mrs Griffiths without Charlotte present, but then he summoned her from her room. Nervously Charlotte walked down the stairs towards the drawing room. When she entered the room, he was stood to greet her, but there was no-one else in room with him. He obviously wanted to speak with her alone and her heart started to beat faster. This must be serious.

"Miss Heywood." Sidney said and the deep icy tones of his voice made Charlotte shiver.

"Mr Parker." She responded, her head held high. She did not curtsey to him, but stayed standing facing him.

Sidney frowned at her. "Will you not sit?" He asked.

"No. There is something I wish to say first."

"Alright..." Sidney replied, curious as to what she had to say. "Go ahead."

"I know you are displeased with me, because I ran off on my own when you expressly forbad it. You were right to rebuke me for it, and I am sorry, but you never gave me the opportunity to fully explain what happened." Charlotte said.

Sidney paused for a moment and regarded her. "Well then, tell me what happened." He said inviting her to speak.

Charlotte took a deep breath. "Georgiana... that is, Miss Lambe, wanted to go on the hot air balloon, and when I said I could not, she ran off anyway. I was worried about her and ran after her to bring her back. Unfortunately she got a head start and I lost her. I took a wrong turn and then..." Charlotte paused as the tears pricked her eyes, as it suddenly struck her what had nearly happened to her. "... and then I was attacked."

Sidney sighed heavily and closed his eyes briefly. "To think what could of happened if I had not intervened, Miss Heywood..."

"I know it was foolhardy, but I did not intentionally go against you."

"And yet you still did." He stated, unimpressed.

Charlotte scowled at him. "I was trying to help my friend. I never for a moment thought that I would encounter someone who wanted to do me harm." Charlotte said. "Please do not judge me on one foolish mistake."

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