Episode 2 Part 2 - Heated Discussions

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"Edward, what is going on? Why were you so insistent about walking Miss Heywood home?" Esther asked as they made their way back to Denham Place later that morning and were approaching the house.

"I was hardly insistent, I merely offered and she accepted. Besides, it would have been ungentlemanly of me not to assist." Edward explained.

"Don't take me for a fool Edward. You are up to something with her." Said Esther. "What is going on?"

Edward sighed. "Esther, even you must realise that our Aunt is not exactly getting on in years and her fortune may not be ours for sometime. I am trying to be practical by exploring alternative options. You know we are dirt poor. We keep getting bills everyday. We need the money."

"So you wish to marry Miss Heywood to gain her fortune?" Esther said, stunned.

"That is one option, and I could do a lot worse for she is pretty and well mannered."

"But... but what about me?"

"Esther, you know that sooner or later, you must marry too." He said rather patronisingly.

Esther looked at him rather bemused about this change of stance. "And what of our plan? You said our Aunt's money is our birth right. I would sooner die than see it in Clara's hands."

"I know, and so would I. I am not abandoning our plans, far from it."

"No... but you have had your head turned by a pretty face with money." Esther sneered.

Edward didn't deny it. "And what about you, Esther? You danced nearly every dance with Babington."

Esther huffed. "That is not true and you know it, for I danced with Mr Parker and Mr Crowe also."

"... and then with Babington again."

"He is a good dancer, that is all." Said Esther. "Nothing will come of it, for my heart belongs elsewhere... and I thought yours did too."

"Esther." Edward said as he turned towards her and then took her face in his hands. "You know it does. I just think we need to at least explore other avenues... and I think Clara will be out of our hair sooner than you think." He said with a smirk as he let Esther go and they carried on walking.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that her ruination is close, for I saw to that at the ball." Edward said with a smile.

"What happened at the ball?" She asked.

"I'm not sure your innocent ears would want to hear this."

Esther stopped in her tracks. "Edward... did you... did you?"

"Oh yes. Now it's only a matter of time."

Esther's eyes widened in disbelief and then pain. "How could you?" She whispered as the tears threatened to fall.

"What? You told me to ruin her, that is what I am doing."

"I didn't tell you to make love to her!"

"How else was I supposed to do it?" He responded. Esther was trying not to hyperventilate for the thought of Edward with someone else in that way, let alone Clara was extremely distressing even though she knew he had a reputation for sowing wild oats. "Esther?" He said, concerned as he approached her and went to take her hand.

"No... do not touch me." She said as she snatched her hand away and hastened back into the house away from him.


After resting for most of yesterday, Charlotte was feeling much better. Her headache had gone and she was eager to get some fresh air, if that was possible, today. Despite the fact she had retired early from the ball and continued to feel unwell yesterday, Sidney had not thought to visit her and for some reason it offended her. Charlotte knew they were still pretty much strangers, but she at least thought he would be concerned for her welfare. It turned out she was wrong about that too and it made her feel rather lonely. Her low mood was further amplified by the fact that Reverend Hankins would be calling later this morning to lead them in a bible study. She couldn't think of anything she would like to do less and she had no means of getting out of it.

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