Episode 2 Part 1 - Headaches

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Charlotte headed down to breakfast in the parlour fairly early the next day. Mrs Griffiths was already up and eating and Charlotte sat down opposite her.

"Good morning Charlotte. How are you feeling?" Mrs Griffiths asked her.

"Better thank you." She replied, for after the shock of happening upon the lovers behind the curtain last night, Charlotte had looked quiet pale and out of sorts, such that Mrs Griffiths had insisted she went home not long after. Charlotte had wrestled with whether she should tell anyone or not, but decided against it at the time reasoning she did not want to have to put herself in such a position with strangers around her, let alone at the first ball of the season. However, now it was the morning after, a number of thoughts were running through her mind about it. It was incredibly reckless to meet in a public place, although granted there was no-one on the balcony at the time, but who would be so foolish? Anyone could have happened upon them... perhaps someone had after she had left? Charlotte knew it was none of her business, but part of her wanted to find out who it was. How she would do that without revealing what she had witnessed, she didn't know. Maybe it was better to be silent on the matter after all and try and move on.

After her shocking encounter, Charlotte did not mind leaving the ball early for all the attention and introductions were rather tiresome, even if everyone seemed nice enough, and she had begun to get a headache. She did regret, however, not being able to dance more, for she had only managed two dances with Sir Edward and one with Sidney, although Mr Crowe had asked her before she had left and she had had to decline. Charlotte hoped there would be another opportunity soon.

"Mr Parker seemed very pleased with you last night." Mrs Griffiths commented. "And I have to agree that you acted with much decorum. For a country girl with little experience of society, you are doing very well Charlotte."

Charlotte forced a smile, but she couldn't help but resent her patronising tone. She knew Sidney wanted Mrs Griffiths to help her transition into society and become more accomplished like other young ladies of fortune and whilst she couldn't deny that there was something appealing about entering into high society, Charlotte couldn't help but feel out of place. She knew her father would have wanted to give her the world and she was grateful that her fortune had opened up so many possibilities, but it also imposed restrictions which she found hard to bear. She had borne everything patiently until now because she was in a state of mourning and also to prove to both Sidney and Mrs Griffiths that she was trustworthy, but she couldn't keep up the pretence much longer.

"Sir Edward Denham is a rather fine fellow. What an honour to be asked to dance with him." Mrs Griffiths commented.

"He is indeed a good dancer, but I found his conversation somewhat lacking." Charlotte admitted.

"Charlotte!" Mrs Griffiths said shocked. "You should not talk that way about a gentleman."

Charlotte managed to refrain from rolling her eyes at her although it was tempting. "Mrs Griffiths, it is only the two of us here and I am just being honest with you."

Mrs Griffiths looked at her curiously. "Alright, but you must not say such things in public."

"No, I will not." Charlotte conceded as she helped herself to some bread and butter.

Mrs Griffiths didn't seem convinced by her reply, but decided to continue the conversation regardless. "I was fortunate enough to spend some time seated with Lady Denham last night. She is most eager to meet you. I expect we'll receive an invitation very soon."

Charlotte sighed heavily. "Very well."

"Charlotte! What has gotten into you this morning? Lady Denham is the great lady of the town and she wishes to know you. It is a huge honour."

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