Episode 5 Part 1: Out of mourning

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Whenever Esther and Edward were summoned to their aunt's house for tea they knew they would be in for a lecture and so it was with some reluctance that they made their way from Denham Place to Sanditon House on a grey Tuesday morning. They were escorted into the drawing room where they met Clara and Lady Denham who looked very much like a woman on a mission. After tea was served, she launched into conversation.

"For too long the pair of you have idled in the vague hope of some future inheritance. Well it will not do! It's time that you both found yourself a marriage partner." She said as Edward and Esther shared a look and Clara smirked at them. "Edward, Miss Heywood is finally coming out of mourning, now is your chance to hunt down your quarry."

"Yes, Aunt I am aware and I have already written to Mr Sidney Parker to request a meeting with him to discuss it."

Esther turned to him. "You have?" She asked, her brother's admission feeling like a stab in the heart.

"Of course. You knew it was always my intention to request a courtship with Miss Heywood." Replied Edward. Esther opened her mouth, but then quickly shut it again as her chest tightened.

"Well this is good news Edward! With your title and Miss Heywood's £30,000 it is a good a match as you could hope for. Although I suppose Miss Lambe would have offered you a more substantial sum, but I do not care for her manners at all. At least Miss Heywood is polite and she is quite accomplished. Her piano playing is certainly improving after all the practice she has here. And she has a spark about her that is rather amusing to me. Let's hope Mr Parker replies with a favourable answer."

"But will Miss Heywood have Edward, I wonder?" Interrupted Clara. Everyone frowned at her. "For she rather values her independence, and hasn't she professed she is not interested in marrying at all?"

"I'm sure I can bring her round." Edward replied, a twinkle in his eye.

Lady Denham scowled at him. "Miss Heywood is a lady of fortune, Edward. We all know about your reputation for sowing wild oats, but I trust you know the difference between the arts of courtship and seduction?"

Edward and Clara's eyes met momentarily before he looked back to his aunt. "I like to think so." He replied.

"Hmm... Well, I suppose we will see. Now as for you Esther, I am sure we can find a husband for you by Michaelmas." Lady Denham said as she got out a piece of paper.

"I wouldn't count on it, given how skilled Esther is at deterring suitors. Even Babington is bound to give up sooner or later." Teased Edward.

Lady Denham was quite taken aback by Edward's comment. "Lord Babington?"

"Oh yes, he is quite besotted." Edward replied. "What was the last thing he said in his letter, oh yes "I have always believed that a prize so easily won has no real worth..." Or something like that." Said Edward causing Clara to smirk at Esther and Esther to feel even more unsettled and her corset felt much more restrictive than usual for she was finding it difficult to breathe.

Lady Denham on the other hand was delighted. "Lord Babington is writing to you, Esther? Then is there an understanding between you?"

"Not at all. I have done nothing to encourage him, in fact I am ignoring him." Esther attempted to say disinterestedly, but there was a wobble to her voice.

Lady Denham was horrified. "You foolish ungrateful child! Lord Babington could hardly be a better prospect if he were advanced in years and in poor health! He would be a perfect husband!"

"He certainly is an attractive gentleman, although I suppose he would not be half so attractive if he weren't so rich." Clara said, still smirking.

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