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The carriage bumped along the road causing Charlotte to topple a little onto Sidney and making her giggle as he held her steady. "Where are we going?" She asked for the tenth time that morning.

"Mrs Parker, my answer remains the same as before, you will have to wait for it is a surprise." Sidney replied.

Charlotte pretended to huff sulkily. "Can I at least take this take this off?" She asked referring to the make shift blindfold Sidney had tied around her head.

"Definitely not! We are only about five minutes away now."

"Very well." She sighed in resignation. "Oh, give me your hand." She said suddenly. Sidney placed his hand in hers and Charlotte placed it on her swelling abdomen. "There, did you feel it?"

Sidney smiled widely at the marvel of the little miracle growing inside his wife. "Yes I felt it. Our child has a strong kick, just like her mother."

"Or perhaps it is a strong punch like his father?" Charlotte smirked.

"No, it's definitely a girl." Sidney said.

"Well, we'll find out who is right in a few months."

"That we will." Sidney said as he took Charlotte's hand and kissed it tenderly. "And you are going to be a wonderful mother."

Charlotte smiled. "That is nice of you to say, but it I would much prefer to be able to see you while you talk to me."

"Patience my love, not much further."

Eventually the carriage drew to a halt and Sidney and helped Charlotte out of the carriage. She was very grateful that it had stopped moving for the motion of the carriage combined with not being able to see had made her feel rather queasy. Sidney led her slowly by the hands along what she sensed was a gravel path. She could feel a gentle breeze on her cheeks and hear it rustle through what she assumed were trees which were somewhere close by. She could also hear something else...

"Sidney... did I just hear...?" She began.

"Sshh... Just one more step this way... alright and stop.." Sidney replied as he walked round behind her to untie the blindfold. He released the material and Charlotte squinted and slowly opened her eyes as they got used to the transition from dark to light. Once her eyes had adjusted to the light, she stood stock still in shock. "Sidney...? She whispered looking around her.

Charlotte's eyes had fallen on a beautiful thatched cottage with budding wisteria cascading over the doorway. In the front garden were about half a dozen chickens roaming around freely and to the side of the house were some newly planted trees. Charlotte frowned a little and walked over to them.

"Sidney... are these...?"

"Cherry trees, yes." Sidney said, watching her closely.

Charlotte brought a hand to her mouth as the tears suddenly filled her eyes. She turned to him. "Sidney, what is this place, why are we here?" She whimpered, even though she suspected the answer.

Sidney walked over to her and took her hand. "This is our home, Charlotte." He replied.

Charlotte let out a little sob. "Our home?"

Sidney smiled at her and pulled her into his arms. "Yes, our home." He whispered, and then Charlotte could not stop the flow of tears. She buried her head in his chest and cried for quite some time such that Sidney was beginning to get a little worried. "Charlotte?"

Charlotte pulled away from him, her cheeks stained with tears. "Forgive me. You child has turned me into a blubbering wreck."

"You do... you do like it?" He asked, unsure because of her reaction.

"Of course I like it, it... it is perfect." She said, more tears spilling from her eyes. "You... you planted the cherry trees?" She asked. Sidney nodded. "And you bought the chickens?"

Again Sidney nodded. "And at the back I have started digging a vegetable patch."

Charlotte laughed through the tears. "You are quite the farmer, Mr Parker."

"Well, not quite. I am relying on your expertise to know what we should plant and when." Sidney admitted.

"I am sure I can share my knowledge with you, Sir. But, pray, please tell me where are we exactly?" Charlotte asked, for she had been blindfolded the entire journey and had no idea which direction they had travelled.

"About two miles north of Sanditon."

"And this is where you have been going these past few weeks?"

Sidney frowned. "You knew I was sneaking off?"

"A wife always knows when her husband is up to something." Charlotte teased. "... but this... I had no idea..." Charlotte said looking around her again. She could already see her child playing in this garden, just like she had on the farm when she was a little girl and it warmed her heart.

"Would you like to see inside the house?" Asked Sidney, enjoying watching her reactions as she took in each feature of the property.

"Yes. Very much." She replied, smiling widely.

Sidney took her hand again and led her to the front door of their new home.


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