💘🎄Need tape? (Sero)

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Christmas Special!

Around this time of the year, you often found yourself plum out of luck with christmas shopping. The prices were either too high or the quality was too low and it seemed everytime you found a decent deal someone always snatched it up before you. Christmas shopping was truly a cruel time of the year.

Though this year was different. You found the deals that you needed and the quality of the gifts were just amazing this year. Maybe it was life's way of giving back to you after all the hell it put you and your classmates through this year.

Now you just find yourself in your room wrapping the presents that you had bought. Your fingers had cramped a bit from helping the other classmates wrap theirs, but everyone seemed to go to bed whenever it got around for you to do yours. Of course you were a bit frustrated, but you'd figure it'd be better this way anyway. Now you didn't have to worry about others finding out what their gifts were.

So here you sit cutting and measuring the wrapping paper, so you could finish your night of wrapping and stick them all under the Christmas tree everyone had set up in the dorm lobby. You fold the first piece of the decorative paper over the top of the gift and reach around for the tape. Eventually after a few seconds of blind searching your hand cups around the tape dispenser. "Alright present number one." You hum. Then let your mouth hang open in pure shock and frustration realizing you had used all your tape wrapping other people's gifts.

You pinch your nose in frustration and can feel disbelief crawling up inside of you. Of course the last day to wrap presents rolled around and you have ran out of tape. You can feel yourself inwardly cringe at yourself. Feeling frustrated you stand up and shake your hands out. Maybe one of your classmates left some in the lobby.

On this hunch you find yourself walking down to the lobby and searching all over the place. Though of course since your christmas had been running so smoothly, something HAD to be ruined. There was no way You could just have a perfect Christmas. Something had to go wrong. It always did.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Your eyes snapped up from the kitchen counter and too the tall hero in training behind you.

"I'm just stressed." You mutter and swept a lock of your hair our of your eyes.

"Well, I can see that, but why?" Sero asked as he moved to lean on the counter next to you. You looked up and sighed.

"I ran put of tape wrapping everyone else's Christmas presents and bow I dont have any to wrap mine. Tonight is the last night to wrap present and put them under the tree." You said and looked back down towards the counter. "Now everyone's asleep and wont help me or lend me any tape." A soft sigh left your lips as you moved towards the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Well, I dont know about you, but it sounds like you could use a hero." He hummed and posed with his elbow. "And I'm just the man for the job." He smiled cheekily at you.

You couldn't help but to smile at him, before you looked off. "I couldn't ask you to do that, Sero."

"I'm helping." He said and slanted off towards the lobby.

"Wait, Sero!" You called after him. Your feet padding against the floor as you saw him darting from the lobby and towards your dorm. "SERO!" You yelled and bolted towards him. Damn his long legs!

Before you could even reach him he had darted inside of your room and made himself comfortable on the floor.

"I hate how persistent you are." You said with a soft smile. You couldn't stay upset at him, because all he wanted to do was help. Plus, he was kinda cute.

"I know."

With the help of Sero present wrapping went smoothly and was surprisingly quick. Though, Sero's tape was allot stickier than you thought it would be, so you do have a couple red spot from having to rip tape off of yourself.

"And who is this one for?" Sero asked as he picked up a wrapped poster. You could feel the color draining from your face realizing it was his.

"Someone really special." You hummed and snatched it from him, sticking your tounge out at him.

"Oh yeah? Tell me more." He said and nudged you with his elbow.

"Becareful with those weapons, sir." You say and point towards his elbows. "You couldn't killed me." You hummed with a teasing smile.

"Tell me more about this special person." He said ignoring your comment and grinning down at you.

"Well, he's super cool. Completely oblivious to the fact that I like him, but he is a great friend." You say and quickly set it to the side. All you had to do was smack a label on it. You had prewrapped it, before you had gotten the other presents.

"Well he sounds splendidly dumb." Sero says and runs his fingers through his hair.


"Yeah, if he can't feel your affections for him." He hummed a far off look in his eye, before they found their way back onto yours. "You know, we've wrapped all these presents and I have not seen one label with my name on it." He says and raises an eyebrow.

"Well that's because your present is still a work in process." You said and gave him a toothy grin.

"Yeah? Well can I give you mine a bit early? It's been bugging me really bad and well it is Christmas eve." He asked. His face a bit flushed from embarrassment.

"I suppose, if it's been bugging you really bad." You hummed and turned towards him. Your hands sitting in your lap as you looked up at the male.

"Okay, close your eyes."

"Okay okay. There. They are closed." You were more than curious to see what Sero had gotten you. Especially if it had been bugging him.

"Give me your hand."

"Okay you have it already!" You said with a laugh as his calloused hand moves against yours.

"Are you ready?" He asked softly as his thumb rubbed small circles into your palm.

"Yeah, I'm ready." You said softly, because your head had gotten dizzy from serotonin.

"Don't open your eyes."

"Sero, just give it to me." You said, now getting impatient with him. You could feel his other hand tracing over your cheek and immediately felt butterflies pick up in your stomach.

"Merry Christmas." He said softly against your lips. You inhaled shakily as your lips pressed eagerly against his. It took him by surprise, but he had absolutely no issue kissing you back. As his lips danced against your in a brief moment of passion, you could feel the stress your body was ungoing leaving you. It was like a dose of stress free medicine.

As you both parted for air, you let your eyes flutter open to meet his flushed face. His eyes a bit wide with shock. He had expected you to push him away and tell him to get out. "You-You kissed me back." Sero asked a bit shocked.

"Of course I did." You said and rolled your eyes. "Sero I've liked you since the beginning of our freshman year." You said and cocked your head to the side. You watched as he grinned and scratched the back of his head.

"I guess I was that dumb guy you liked then, huh?" He questioned with a cheesy grin.

"Yeah, yeah you are." You said and pressed your lips to his again for a brief kiss on the lips.

"Well good, because I didn't feel like getting my heart broken tonight." Sero's hands cupped your face on either side, his thumbs tracing circles on your cheeks as he stared into your eyes. "Te ves hermosa esta noche."


"Dont worry about it, my love."

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