💘Class Rep (Tenya Iida)

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It is a bright morning, full of birds chirping, trees swaying, and breezes blowing. You can smell the faint scent of dew still evaporating from the damp greenery. You are strolling to your High school for the exceptional. More like dream filled idiots, but-hey your one of those too, so what can you say? A smile tugs at your lips as you begin to see the tall entrance coming into sight. You look down to make sure you had your student ID on you and you spot the card in the front of your binder and sigh, relieved that for once you didn't forget it. Usually you ended up getting locked out and had to walk all the way back to your house to get it. Which always resulted in you being late and getting a scolding from the class rep, your friend, and your crush; Tenya Iida.
Hearing heavy stomping behind you, you turn and see spikey blonde hair and crimson eyes. A smile tugs at your lips seeing the hot head. You hated to admit it, but you love when he gets mad. Its pretty damn funny. "Hey Katsuk-"
"Outta my way you damn extra!" He yells bumping you with his shoulder, causing your things to spill over the ground.
"Say the extra walking away." You say hoping he'd hear you and he did. He stops and turns to you.
"What did you say!?" He yells, a fire burning in his eyes. A smirk tugs at your lips as you begin gathering your things. "Hey don't ignore me," he growls stomping up back over to you. You pick up the last pencil and look up to him with your sly smirk. "Are you trying to pick a fight with me!?" He yelled, clearly exasperated. His fist is balled up and his eyebrows twitching.
"I'm sorry, were you saying something, extra?" You say slyly and knock his shoulder. He yells unholy insults as you sprint to class, knowing it wouldn't be good if he caught you. You turn the corner feet sliding across the floor as you spot the overly huge A-1 classroom door. You quickly enter and shut the door behind you with your smirk.
"L/n, what is the meaning if this? It is rude to barge into a room," Tenya says as the eyes of the few class members, who had already arrived, land on your panting figure.
"W-well atleast I'm not late," you speak with a tired smile.
"She's got a point," Tsu voices, watching the scene play out. Iida sighs, knowing she is right.
"Yes, I guess so," he mumbles and pushes his glasses up. "I will allow it as long as you show up on time." He chops the air causing a giggle to escape your lips.
"Yes sir!" You salute, causing a few of the class members to crack up. Thats when you heard loud swearing and a series of explosions coming closer. "Oh shit," you mumble and dive towards a desk.


"Oh god, did you provoke him again?" Midoriya trembles as you scramble behind him. Before you even open your mouth to speak the door is kicked down followed by an angry porcupine, ready to release his furry upon you.
"I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE BITCH!" He yells scanning the room for you, ignoring Iida's claims of disapproval.
"P-protect me, Deku," you whimper with big puppy eyes. He gulps and looks up to see Bakugo standing in front of him with a painful glare written across him. Midoriya yelps with a jump as small explosions start to exert from Bakugo's palm.
"Get out the way, Deku or I'll blow you both to hell!" He yells, wanting Y/n to feel the full throttle of his wrath.
"This is unacceptable behavior, Bakugo Katsuki! To aim your quirk at a innocent person, you must be insane!" Iida Tenya yells doing multiple hand chops.
"You want it too, nerd?!" He yells turning towards Iida, who contiues to scold him. 'Oh no, not my manz,' you think and teleport behind Bakugo and karate chop him in the head.
"Don't yell at Tenya, you jerk wad!" You continue to karate chop him until it gets unsettlingly quite. You slowly stop seeing Midoriya stumble back into his desk with a look of pure horror. You gulp and look to Bakugo who is turning slowly to bore his eyes into your very core. Sweat begins to bead your forehead and a nervous smile creeps onto your lips. "Sorry?" You speak, coming off more as a question then a statement.
"You bitch!?" He yells sending a series of explosions your way. You quickly teleport out of the way and onto his back and into a monkey hold.
"I'M SORRY!" You yell and teleport him into the courtyard, where you continue to shriek and hold onto his explosive figure the best you can. "I didn't mean it! You aren't an extra! Your the best!" You yell gripping him tightly. "THE BEST!" He finally throws you off of him. Landing on your back your groan and pant.
"Don't forget it... stupid nerd," he says and storms away. You sigh, and stay laying on the courtyard ground, feeling tired from using your quirk to teleport that long of a distance.
You see your quirk is teleportation. You can teleport, as long as you can see where you're going, leaving a navy blue mist behind. The longer the distance the more energy you use up and vise versa. You can also teleport objects, inanimate and animate. Same applies here. The heavier the load the more energy is taken, the lighter the load the less energy it takes up.
So there you lay, on the dirt and grass covered ground feeling defeated, tired, and somehow extremely pumped for the day. "L/n, are you okay?" You look up to see none other then your class rep standing infront of you. Worry plastered across his features along with steam pumping from his engines. He kneels down and offers you his hand. Blushing deeply you take it and wince at your now bruising back. "I saw how he threw you, do you need to go to Recovery Girl?" He asks once he pulled you up to your feet.
"No," you mumble and place your other hand over your face. "Aren't you going to scold me?" You question, waiting for his warm hand to leave yours and his strong voice too talk down at your actions. It silent for a moment, before his hand lightly squeezes yours.
"No. You did the right thing by getting him out of the classroom. Though, I should warn you to not bother him." You look up at Iida with wide eyes and a small smile. He isn't looking at you, because of a faint blush dancing across his cheeks. You can feel your heart rate increase and you wipe your eyes.
"Thank you Iida. It really means alot to hear your praise," you whimper, causing him to look back at you with wide eyes.
"Wha-!" He starts, but you embrace him tightly and sniffle. His face turns three shades darker, because of the sudden over working of his heart.


"I'M LATE!?" Iida screeches and practically picks you up bridal style, causing you to yelp as he uses his quirk to rush the school halls. Feeling dizzy from the rushing, he sets you down and opens the door to reveal Aizawa in his sleeping bag at the front of the room. Aizawa's eyes scan the two of you and he sighs, obviously regretting everything.
"Take your seats, I don't want to hear your excuses," he mumbles and turns back to his papers.

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