💘 Catzawa (Shouta Aizawa)

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         You have the power to manipulate the physical form of yourself and others. Which, to you, was very amusing. It always cracked you up turning Hizashi into a mocking bird and watching him fly frantically around the classroom, screeching at the top of his little bird lungs. Today, you thought you'd target someone else. Someone you haven't targeted before. Your crush, co-worker, and roommate: Shouta Aizawa.
      Classes just ended for the day and you and Shouta made your way to his apartment, that you shared, because you recently got kicked out and didn't want to deal with busted eardrums, a horny women, nor a self absorbed symbol of peace. You could tell he was tired and just wanted to take a nap, before his night time patrol. His scarf swung off his shoulders and his eyelids dropped constantly. "You know,"
    "No."  He cut you off before you even got to finish your sentence. You huff and cross your arms.
    "You don't even know what I was going to say," you counter and give him a playful glare.
   "Well, let me shorten your possible talk subjects. No, I'm not eating your cooking and no you can't use your quirk on me." His eyes lazily look over to you and he can't help but to smirk at your annoyed expression.
    "Aren't you just a ray of sunshine," you mumble to yourself. "I'm just saying you could nap, while I carried you home, before your shift." You shrug and smirk at him. He turns to you with glowing red eyes and his hair lifting off his shoulders.
    "Don't even think about it," he grumbles, causing shivers to run down your spine. Sweat beads at the top of your forehead and you raise your hands up in defence.
    "Yes sensei!" You shreik and turn into the walkway of his apartment complex. He groans and begins walking up the stairs shuffling through his pockets for his keys.
    "I'm not your sensei," he growls and unlocks his door pushing it open. You snicker and walk in with him. He immeaditly pulls on his sleeping bag and collapses on the couch. "I'm taking a nap leave me alone," he grumbles and snuggles into its cushions.
    "Gotcha, sleepy cat," you say and rummage through the cabnits for something to eat. Hmm, sleepy cat.

     Aizawa's eyes open slowly, feeling warm and fuzzy. All he really wanted was to take another nap, but he knows his shift is coming up soon and he needs to get ready. Seeing only the yellow of his sleeping bag he nuzzles into it and freezes. "When the hell did this sleeping bag get so big?" He says, but it only came out as a 'meow.' "Oh hell no." He rolls over onto his stomach and looks at his black and grey paws. "Y/n!" He yells, causing a fit of laughter to escape your lips at the sudden meowing and small lump formed in the sleeping bag next to you. Suddenly, his small cat figure jumped out of the sleeping bag and started attacking you relentlessly.
     "AH!" You yell and shield your face from his claws. "I should've declawed you!" You shreik and grab him holding him to your chest despite his biting and clawing.
     "I'm going to kick you out after this!" He growled, while his tail wrapped around your arm aggressively. You winced, but held onto him until he calmed down slightly.
    "Meow." (Let me go.)
   "Are you calm?"
   "Meeow," (Are you kidding me? You turned me into a cat.)
   A chuckle escaped your lips and you moved your hand behind his ear and began scratching. His whole body froze and his tail began to decurl from your arm. "I swear I won't tell anyone. Just relax," you coe earning a shoft growl from him and his ears twitching back. You could tell he was close to giving in, because his paws began to knead into your stomach. A smile crawls onto your lips at how adorable he is. Your arms loosen and your hand continues to scratch behind his ear. A low pur began to emit from his throat. "You're adorable, Catzawa," you mumble and look down at him. His ears twitch and he looks up at you. Fur matted where his scar lays and his tired black orbs staring up at you.
    Your face flushes a light pink as you pick him up and press your nose to his. "So cute." You whisper, earning a small lick to the mouth. Your eyes widen and you stare at him. "Did you just-?" His ears fall back and he looks away, his tail twitching. You lean down and place a small kiss on his nose. His ears perk up and he looks back to you. You smile at him and he wiggles out of your hands and pounces off of the couch and over to the wall clock.
   "Meow." (Turn me back I have to go to work,)
   "Oh right, sorry." You quickly deactivate your quirk, causing him to turn back into himself. You cover your eyes and wait for him to find his clothes and put them back on. It was awkwardly quite for a moment, causing your heart rate to pick up. 'Jeez did you ruin everything? Better start looking for a new place to stay. It was totally worth it though,' you think and sigh.
    "I have clothes on," he mutters and yawns. You remove your hands from your eyes to see him squatting infront of you in his hero outfit.  You gulp seeing his stoic expression. Pink washes over your face as he stares, probably thinking of a way to kick you out.
     "If you're goi-!" You got cut off by his lips pressing against yours. His hand moves up to cup your face and you slowly wrap your arms around his neck, still unsure of what is happening. His lips part from yours.
    "This is a kiss not a question. Stop being so unsure of yourself," he says and opens his eyes slightly to look at your flustered expression.
     "Right," you breathe out and connect your lips again. He smirks into the kiss as your arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer to you, relentlessly  attacking his upper lip. He growls and nips at your bottom lip, causing you to gasp softly. "Shouta- work-" you say inbetween kisses. He groans and pulls away from you. His eyes follow your lips as you wet them with your tounge. You both pant, trying to find your breath. You lean your forehead against his and he does the same, causing your noses to brush against each others. "I've waited so long for that," you mumble and open your eyes softly to see his already scanning yours. A small smile crawls onto his lips and he gives you a quick peck, before standing and walking towards the door.
     "I'll be back after my shift, lock the door behind me, and don't start a fire." He pulls the door open and sighs. "Stay safe," he says and shuts the door behind him.
      "I love you too, Shouta." You smile softly and follow his instructions.

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