☁️Our Final Dance (Bakugo)

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[Song: As the world caves in by Matt Maltese)

As the Earth burns to the ground-

You couldnt help, but to smile at the irony of this situation as you laid on your back. Your eyes turned up towards the sky as soft sprinkles of rain pelted against your face, washing the dust and debris from your body little by little. "Hey, Bakugo." You spoke, holding the phone to your ear.

"What is it, dumbass?" You heard his gruff voice coming in through the other side of the phone. Your lips tugging up in a smile. His voice bring you some sense of peace as you laid there relief washing over your body. You didnt think he would pick up being it was his day off, so you were happy whenever he answered.

"You know how you wanted to become number one hero in highschool?" You questioned, taking steady breaths as you held onto your side. The pain flowing out of you and spilling all over the streets. The sounds of sirens ringing in the distance as he fell silent in the other side of the phone for a moment. "Well- well you were always my number one hero." Your breathing staggering causing you to repeat a few words as you could feel your head spinning from blood loss. "You're my hero." You repeated as you could feel your breathing pick up quite a bit.

"Y/n, where are you?" He questioned feeling a mix of emotions filling him up to the brim. The sound of the sirens getting closer and had been picked up by the microphone of your phone. "Y/n?" He questioned panicking a bit as he called for your name. Your silence only making his PTSD act up as he jumped from his couch and grabbed his coat.

"Katsuki, I love you." You whispered into the phone. Your lungs burning for air as you could barely keep yourself drawing in breaths.

"(Hero name)!?" Medics called out as they rushed from their vehicles and to your side. "Stay with us!" They yelled towards you as your weak grip on the phone faltered and it clattered from your hand and onto the cement being left behind by the ambulance. Being left in the advancing rain.

The screams of the number two hero on the other side of the phone. Your name becoming a scratched record upon his lips as he raced towards his car. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he'd go to any and every hospital in Musutafu to find you.

His arms slamming against the car door as he ran towards the hospital his feet sliding against the slippery pavement as he burst in. His eyes immediately falling onto Deku who was sitting in the lobby. His head between his knees and his body shaking.

"Where are they?" Bakugo asked approaching the green haired male. His hands tightening on his shoulder and pulling him up to look at him. "GOD DAMNIT DEKU! WHERE ARE THEY!?" He yelled, seeing the disheveled look in his crying rivals eyes.

"Kaachan..." He cried his hands settling weakly onto Bakugo's who's loosened sensing what Deku was trying to say.

"Dont fucking lie to me!" He growled shoving the green haired male into the seat. "Dont fucking lie to me.." Bakugo growled softer his eyes watering a bit as his glare cast off from Deku and to a doctor that happened to be walking back.

"Oi! Pro hero (Hero name), where is their hospital room?!" He yelled towards the doctor. The look in his eyes basically threatening as he towered over the rather skinny and fragile looking doctor.

"Kaachan!" Deku called out locking his arms under his childhood friends arms and holding him back from the doctor.

"They passed a-away fifteen minutes ago." The doctor managed to say through his own fear of the prohero standing in front of him.

"Why are you all lying!?" He yelled bucking against the hold of Deku. "They aren't dead! I was just on the phone with them!" He yelled trying to shake Deku off of him.

"They're dead Kaachan!" Deku yelled his quirk activating a bit as he dragged Bakugo away from the doctor.

"No!" He struggled as he tried to plant his feet on the ground against the will of Izuku. "No they aren't." Bakugo cried as his struggle became a bit weaker.

"They're gone." Midoryia cried against him as his grip tightened in his long lost friend.

"You're lying.." Bakugo muttered as his voice cracked a single stream of hot tears tumbling down his pale face. "They aren't."

-It's you that I lay with.

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