💕☁️Am I Enough? (Kirishima)

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No one had really noticed that day in class that you had been particularly quite. Maybe it was because of all the excitement that wandered through the halls of the school. It covered up the fact that you had been feeling a bit down lately. There was a festival to be prepare for and you didn't know if you were cut out to be a back up dancer. Your hips never seemed to move the way you wanted them to and you weren't even sure if you had the right kind of body too be a dancer, period.

"Come on we're going to be late to practice!" Tenya would say his hand chopping the air aggressively as he dragged you by the arm to the dorms, so you could all get changed into your work out clothes. Iida dragging you didnt affect you at all, but the curious grin you had recieved from your boyfriend made you sigh lightly. You wished you could just be off stage helping like he was, but Mina demanded that you dance with everyone. Even after you begged her repeatedly she still put your name down as a background dancer.

Sighing you rush to your dorm and change into some black tights and a baggy tee shirt that allowed your arms and move freely. Not that you'd get any of the steps right this time. Everyday at practice you fell and stumbled. It always ended up messing up everyone else and you could tell some of them were getting aggravated with you. It was VERY encouraging. Especially whenever they sighed or laughed at you. Shaking off the depressing memories you sigh and bite your lip. It was time to go out there and embarrass yourself again.

During practice you had made it without an accident for the first half and you where very proud of yourself. You where sitting on the couch next to Izuku and Mina who were talking about the dance routine and such. You weren't really listening, because you had zoned out. All you could think about was the last half of the practice wgere the hardest part of the routine would be taking place. It was something you failed at over and over again. It was almost like a impenetrable wall.

"Hey pebble." Hearing the voice of your lover you snapped out of your thoughts to look at him. He was squatted down in front of you, smiling and exposing his rather sharp pearly whites. "I heard you all are working pretty hard." He hummed and set his arms down on your knees.

You bit the inside of your lip and nodded and placed your hands on his, despite how sweaty your palms might have been. "Yeah, we are about to practice the last portion of it again." You say and run your thumb over his rough feeling skin. It helped sooth the anxiety you were currently feeling.

"Well how about afterwards, we cuddle and watch a movie?" He asked and grinned at you, causing your heart to race alittle. Even with these mixed emotions you were feeling you knew one thing for sure; you love Kirishima, Ejiro.

"Of course, My big ole bolder." You would hum and lean down, kissing his forehead. You could hear him chuckling softly as he stood up and ruffled your hair.

"That's my pebble. Now get out there and kick some ass!" He would cheer after Mina had stood up to tell everyone break was over. You sighed a little your anxiety coming back as you moved on into the last half of the dance.

Not even half way through you had already been tripping over your feet and getting in the way of the other dancers. You could feel the insecurities growing in the bottom of your stomach, spreading through your chest, and crippling your movements. "Y/n!" Your eyes snap open as you fall into Izuku and he hits Tsuyu causing all three of you to clatter to the floor.

"Midoryia, Tsuyu I-I'm so sorry!" You would say panicked as they both rubbed their heads.

"We're okay Y/n." Tsuyu would say and Izuku agreeing with her. You sighed relieved until you could hear the sighing of your fellow dancers behind you. You already knew what they were thinking.

"They do this every practice."

"You'd think they'd learn from their mistakes."

"Why are they on the dance team again?

Your fist clenched a bit as you stood up along with Midoryia and Tsuyu. "Mina, can I talk to you real quick?" You ask and look up to her. Her big alien like eyes would focus in on you and she would give you a slight glare, because she already knew what you were about to ask.

"I'm not taking you off the dance team, so dont ask." She said and crossed your arms. You chewed on the inside of your lip, feeling the eyes of everyone on you. It made you feel sick. You didn't even want to be here in the first place.

"Why not?!" You ask rather loudly. You could hear some of your classmates gasp. You had never had loud out bursts like this before. "I'm tired of messing up and bringing my friends down. Its not like I can't hear them complaining about how clumsy I am or why I even try too be one of the back up dancers." You say and stamp your foot loudly. "I know I'm not good enough to be on this team, so just take me off the damn roster!" You yelled and run off to your room. Tears had pricked at the edges of your eyes as you set your head down on the outside of your door. Your body shaking as you tried to take in deep breaths to calm yourself.

"Y/n?" The sound of Kirishima's voice almost made you scream out in relief. "It'll be alright pebble." He approached you as you trembled on the door, unable to move from your spot. He placed his rough hands onto your shoulders and pealed you off of the door and into his chest instead. "Everything will be okay, pebble." He hummed softly as he rocked you back and forth in his arms.

"It wont be okay, Kiri." You cried and placed your hands on his chest pushing softly, so you could see his face.

"Sure it will-"

"I'm not good enough! I've never been good enough!" You cried and tried to stare at his somehow relaxing crimson orbs through the tears. "I dont even know how you're dating me. I'm not good enough for you, this school, or any of the friends I have." You said and could feel your body jolt a little when Kirishima moved to cup your cheeks and wipe your tears away.

"Y/n listen to me." He said and stared deeply into your watering puffy eyes. "So what if you aren't perfect? You dont need to be good enough for anything or anyone other than yourself. You've got too learn to love yourself as much as I love you, pebble." He would say and kiss your forehead. "You may not see yourself as enough right now, but in my eyes you are the most amazing and shinest pebble I've ever laid eyes on. I love you so much and I wish you could see you the way I do, because you'd love yourself so much." He would chuckle and kiss your slightly flushed nose. "Well then maybe you'd love yourself more than you love me." He would chuckle and stare into your eyes lovingly.

"But Kiri there is this wall... I can't break through it and it stops me every damn time." You mumble and grip onto his shirt tightly for support. His eyebrows furrowed for a minute as he listened to what you said. Then he just chuckled.

"Then climb over it." He said, as if the solution had be right in front of your face the whole time. "I'll be your latter and help you climb over." He said and kissed your cheek. This caused you to sigh lightly with a soft smile.

"You really are my favorite rock, you know that right?" You say softly. Your tears had stopped pouring down you face and your breathing had soothed itself.

"Well I'd hope so." He would say with a chuckle and rub your sides with his fingers. "Now, let's go get you a shower and I'll get the popcorn and movie ready, okay?" He hummed assuming you wouldn't want to go to the rest of practice today. Which you most certainly did not after your embarrassing outburst, so you took a long needed shower and put one your favorite pjs. Once you walked back into your room with your towel wrapped crazily around your head, you saw Kirishima sitting on your bed with popcorn and also in his pjs.

"Planning to stay the night?" You ask with a smile as you crawl into bed next to him. He really did know how to cheer you up and that's why you where so glad you ended up dating him.

Kirishima smiled up at you and chuckled. "That's not a problem is it? I figured you could use some extra cuddles." He would say and kiss the top of your head as he wrapped one of his arms around your waist.

"Not at all." You hum as you snuggle into him, letting his warmth embrace you.

He chuckled and clicked play on the movie as you snuggled him so closely. He was glad to have begun dating you, because he just loved you so damn much. It was hard for him to put it into words and seeing you so broken today just really cut through him like a knife. He never wants to see you like that again and he'll do anything to protect you from that feeling, because you were always good enough in his eyes and always will be.

🌵 Had to make up for the angsty Kirishima. Plus he is my comfort character in Bnha so, hah! 💕

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