💘You Dropped This (Midoriya)

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   You flip your pencil in between your fingers, waiting for Mr. Aizawa's lecture to be over. In all honesty, you've only been able to take a couple of notes this period. Mainly because your eyes kept wondering off to a certain broccoli boy. The way he stared at his paper, jotting down notes as if his life depends on it. Though, I guess it kind of does. Without his brains, Midoriya would be pretty useless in battle. I mean, everytime he uses his quirk his bones break. You cringe at the thought of how painful it must be for him. Why does he continue to do this, when he is can live painlessly? You think and try to wrap your brain around the guy.

    Midoriya on the other hand, couldn't get his hand to stop scribbling out your name or keep it from sketching out your beautiful (e/c) eyes. His lip twitches slightly annoyed that he couldn't write down the right things. He doesn't break his bones and loose his self-confidence everyday, just to mess up now. Focus! He mentally screams at himself, before he ends up writing your name halfway through the sentence again. He sighs and drops his head onto his desk, feeling defeated. Maybe if he looks at this problem another way it'll solve itself. He picks his head up off the desk and looks over to you. When his eyes meet yours, you can feel your body jolt and you quickly look away.

   Could he feel you staring at him? Certainly not, that would be insane, right? You fan your face, trying to cool it down from the embarrassment of your being caught staring.

  Midoriya continues to look at you rather confused as you fan your face and stare holes into your teacher. Is that why he'd been scribbling your name? Because you had been staring at him? He takes out his hero journal and flips through, until he lands on the page he started on for you.

"L/n, Y/n
(Hero Name)/Brass Knuckles (<- If you can't think of one)

    Quirk: Brutality
Makes the users hits, feel like a thousand in one.
Ex. If they were to punch you in the gut it'd do the physical/mental damage of a thousand punches to the gut.
Drawbacks: (Undetermined)

[Insert roughly drawn sketch of your hero outfit]

   Midoriya frowns and taps his pencil to his chin. There is no sign of a mental quirk, so why is he constantly thinking of you? His cheeks flush a bright red, as realization hits. D-does he have a crush on you? That's impossible, right!? His eyes slowly drag back over to you. You are still looking at Mr. Aizawa, but not as hard. The flush on your cheeks has subsided and you flip your pencil between your fingers with a bored expression. He even notices the slight curve of your lips as you snicker at Kaminari as he makes weird faces behind Mr. Aizawa's back. I wonder what it would be like to kiss the-

   "Kaminari, I will not tolerate this behavior anymore!" Iida yells interuppting, not only Midoriya's thoughts, but also Mr. Aizawa's lecture. Mr. Aizawa turns around and looks boredly at the two. "Stop making faces and disrupting the class!" Iida shouts and makes multiple air chops at the shell shocked blonde.

   "Wha-? You're disrupting the class more than I am!?" He responds and points to him. Iida goes to respond, but stops realizing that for once Kaminari is right.

    "Are you both done? Because I'd like to get his over with already." Mr. Aizawa says as he looks lazily at the two.

  "Y-yes sir." They both mumble and take their seats.

     After class, everyone is packing up and you shove your binder into your bag, but upon feeling the weary feeling that someone is sneaking up on you. You turn around quickly to see a certain pinky with a mischievous smirk. "Y/n!" She cheers and hugs you. You stumble back and hit the edge of your desk, causing your pencil roll off and hit the floor. "I've got a proposition for ya~!" She says and drags you to the cafeteria to share more information on it.

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